“Itching Ears, False Worship & the Queen of Heaven” October 11
Itching ears, false worship, and the queen of heaven: what do they have to do with one another? We might say they all have to do with our theology or how we view God and his Word.
And we all have some kind of theology. It may be formal or it may not. It may even be the result of things we have heard and practiced for many years, even as children. But because something is popular, our religious tradition, or “the way we have always done it,” doesn’t make it biblical.
In today’s Old Testament passage, God condemned the nation of Israel for their false religion and idolatry. Centuries later, when a Samaritan woman met Jesus and pointed out what was popular in her religious tradition, He told her, “… those who worship [God] must worship in spirit and truth” (Jn. 4.24)—spirit, with the right heart attitude, and truth, according to His Word.
So what has formed your theology? And is it biblical?