What Are You Doing to Keep Christ in Christmas? | 5-Minute Devo
It’s easy this time of year to see how the message of Christmas has been blurred or almost obliterated in many places. Schools schedule a “winter break” instead of a “Christmas vacation.” Candy canes and Christmas trees are out, to say nothing of nativity scenes and wise men. Even Santa and reindeer are out in some places as guilty by association.
We can’t control what others do but we need to ask ourselves, what are you and I doing to personally shine the light of Christ into the world in which we live? Are we so focused on long lines and long to-do lists that we fail to share the most important thing about Christmas … the gospel of Jesus Christ?
Yet, maybe the idea of sharing the gospel at any time of year is intimidating to you. Check out today’s post to learn about a simple resource and some other suggestions that can help you share your faith this Christmas season.