“The King, Last Chances, Purgatory & God’s Wrath” December 24
Merry Christmas Eve,
Like all great books, the last chapters in God’s Word are “hold-your-breath” exciting. Today we’ll talk about “The King” who was born as a babe but will one day return in power and glory. The climax will be a great battle where the fighting will be so fierce that the blood will be four feet deep in places and cover an area of 200 square miles. We’ll, also, talk more about the Tribulation and how people will be given one last chance to believe the gospel. But if they take the mark of the beast, their eternity will be sealed for all time. We, too, must decide in this life because there’s no Purgatory, no opportunities to earn our ticket to heaven, and no last chance to realize, “Oops, I made a mistake!” So we must choose wisely.