Donna is a wife, mother, grandmother, writer, and Biblical counselor. She has been blogging through the Bible each year since 2012. She loves God's Word and sharing how freeing and practical it is. She is certified through the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors.
What does the Bible say about marriage and divorce? Is divorce always forbidden? What about remarriage, singleness, and sex, both inside and outside of marriage? Does the Bible really address those subjects and, if so, does it have any relevance for today?
Also, in the book of Job, God talks about many of the amazing animals He created: the horse with all his strength and fearlessness, the hawk, the eagle, and a huge sea creature called Leviathan.
In fact, He dedicated an entire chapter, 34 verses, to this creature called Leviathan. Was he a giant reptile, possibly a dinosaur? And what was the point of it all?
Finally, our Proverbs passage talks about the drunkard and how, even after a hangover, he runs to look for his next drink. The world wants us to believe he can’t help it, that it’s a disease called alcoholism, but what does the Bible say?
Does the Bible talk about Dinosaurs? Is it possible that people in the Bible knew about and perhaps had seen them? You might be surprised by what many scientists and theologians have to say.
Also, find out about some incredible resources for those interested in learning more about creation science and dinosaurs. If you’re a homeschooler, a parent, or just someone who wants to learn more, you can check them out in today’s post.
While we cannot know another person’s heart and motives (and we need to be careful not to think we can), it’s a misunderstanding of the Bible to think we are never to judge someone else’s behavior. In fact, there is a great danger in not judging sin, especially to the person caught up in it.
But it’s not just in the lives of others that we need to judge sin. In today’s post, you’ll find a great list of questions to regularly ask yourself so you don’t fall into habits that can hurt your relationship with God and destroy your relationships with the people you love.
We’ll also read about some things to consider when going through a test or a trial and some of the traps that can lead to sexual immorality.
It has been a while since I’ve done a newsletter and round-up of what’s been going on and we have covered a lot of ground over the last few months. Recently we’ve talked about honoring imperfect parents, even those who...
God clearly commands us, even as adults, to honor and respect our parents. Yet, most of us grew up in homes with imperfect parents. Some have even endured physical, sexual, or verbal abuse. How do we honor our parents when we believe they have failed us, sometimes miserably?
Are there habits that can rob us of God’s blessings? Could they be things that many of us do without thinking? If so, what are they and what do they look like when they show up in our lives?
Also in today’s post, is it possible for evil and suffering to lead to good? Are there things in our lives that we need to see from an eternal perspective? And others where we must simply trust that God has a plan and purpose when we don’t understand?
And while most of us have favorite teachers and pastors, could some of us be in danger of following men and not God?
Do you truly understand what is meant by the gospel? If you died tonight, do you know that you would go to heaven, or do you have doubts about where you will spend eternity? And what can you do if you’re not sure? These are important questions! Please don’t leave your eternity to chance!
What do believers need to remember as we share the gospel with our friends and family?
When we go through tests and trials, there is often a roller coaster of emotions. But as believers, we don’t have to let our emotions run the show! How can we learn to live by something other than our feelings and emotions?
Doing all the “right things” (as much as is humanly possible) doesn’t guarantee that our children will grow up to serve and love God. After all, God is a perfect parent, and look at what some of His children do. There are three forces at work in our children’s lives. What are they?
Leaving a church can be a hard decision for many of us, especially if we have been there for a long time. And, in fact, we are warned about constantly criticizing, complaining, or being divisive within the church body. But is there a time when we must disagree? If so, how should it be done? And are there times when we should leave a church?
Also, we will look at the question of spanking. Should physical discipline be a part of today’s parenting? And if you spank, what should be your heart attitude when doing so?
Why is believing every word of the Bible so important? Could it be that the gospel and our salvation depend on every word being true?
And as we look at the book of Job, we’ll talk about how God reveals Himself in the beauty of creation, the power of storms and volcanoes, and the intricacies of the human body. Yet, we’ll see that as Job said, all we know and see are “the mere edges of His ways.”
Job also knew some things that scientists didn’t understand until thousands of years later.