Donna is a wife, mother, grandmother, writer, and Biblical counselor. She has been blogging through the Bible each year since 2012. She loves God's Word and sharing how freeing and practical it is. She is certified through the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors.
The events of the Tribulation will be so frightening that unbelievers will cry out to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb!” But is it possible that it is also an outpouring of God’s grace?
Also, read about the hurtful power of words and how the truths of God are stumbling blocks to those who refuse to believe.
It’s easy this time of year to see how the message of Christmas has been blurred or almost obliterated in many places. Schools schedule a “winter break” instead of a “Christmas vacation.” Candy canes and Christmas trees are out, to say nothing of nativity scenes and wise men. Even Santa and reindeer are out in some places as guilty by association.
We can’t control what others do but we need to ask ourselves, what are you and I doing to personally shine the light of Christ into the world in which we live? Are we so focused on long lines and long to-do lists that we fail to share the most important thing about Christmas … the gospel of Jesus Christ?
Yet, maybe the idea of sharing the gospel at any time of year is intimidating to you. Check out today’s post to learn about a simple resource and some other suggestions that can help you share your faith this Christmas season.
It didn’t take long. Less than 70 years into church history and there were already those who wanted to water down the Word of God and the call to personal holiness. And others who wanted to add things to the requirements for salvation and Christian living. Nothing much has changed. There are still those who distort the gospel truths. Instead, we’re to teach and understand the whole counsel of God. In 25 verses Jude’s epistle called believers to contend for the truth. It still does today.
Sadly, many still prefer to teach only the easy-to-swallow parts … those things that don’t make anyone uncomfortable or the Christian life seem too hard and others who claim that something else is necessary.
How about you? Are you contending for the truth and seeking to understand the whole counsel of God? And why is doing so as important as ever?
How do you view the Word of God? As the commands and revelation of the Creator of heaven and earth or something that is merely “interesting” to you … one more opinion in a list of options for making decisions and solving life’s problems? Is the Bible full of commands and principles to live by or merely divine suggestions? Is it a standard or the standard by which you weigh everything?
Before you answer … you might ask yourself if, when talking about some Biblical command or principle, you’ve ever said:
I tried that. It just didn’t work.
Well, I just believe …
I know what the Bible says, but …
We live in a different world.
Today we hear a lot about tolerance and accepting people as they are. But in light of eternity is tolerance always loving? And what if we try to speak the truth and are told we need to be more like Jesus and just love everyone? Could they be right? Or could that be a misunderstanding of what is truly loving?
Do you want to grow spiritually? Do you know someone else you’d like to see grow spiritually?
Matthew 28.19-20 says we are all to go and make disciples and to teach others how to live the Christian life. That often involves us growing, too.
So, how can the average person live out Matthew 28.19-20, also called the Great Commission? Watch the video to learn about an easy-to-use resource that can help you do that.
The Apostle John wrote his first letter to believers who had doubts about their salvation. What about you? Do you ever have doubts about the genuineness of your salvation? Is it even possible to “know” that we have eternal life? If so, how?
Also, read about the failure of religious legalism and what God sees as more important. And, finally, in our reading from Proverbs, find out what God says about the importance of our motive for obeying Him.
In the United States (and many other countries), we have largely turned away from the God of the Bible and the consequences are obvious! Our godlessness has affected education, politics, business, family life, and more. Lawlessness is at an all-time high and, if that’s not bad enough, we continue to see a rise in mass violence and terrorism around the world and here at home. While it seems overwhelming, we can make a difference. Find out how.
While we don’t earn God’s love through good works or stay in His graces because of them, a life that has truly been changed will produce different fruit. In fact, Jesus Himself said, you will know a tree by its fruit (Lk. 6.44). The amount and quality of our fruit is often a good indication of our spiritual maturity. Today’s New Testament reading talks about some of that fruit. So, as you read, ask yourself, are you growing in Christ? Does the fruit of your life testify to a changed life? And if so, is it increasing?
The rise in evil today is unprecedented. Just turn on the news: mass shootings, terrorist attacks, violent protests, murder, sex trafficking, child pornography, abortion on demand, road rage, and more. Of course, anger fuels much of it. Anger that is off the chart in intensity and in the number of people who are violently so. What is at the root of it all?
Daniel saw the rise in evil in his time, too, as pagan kings and others tried to destroy the people of God and their faith in Him. God, even, gave him a vision of the calamities that were to come on future generations. But then … He gave Daniel a beautiful hope-filled promise. Could that same promise help us as we see the rise in evil all around us?