A Challenging Question & Last Week’s Round-Up
Today’s Featured Post is one I hope everyone will read and consider prayerfully. In it I ask the question, “Are we as committed to our faith and it’s spread as our Muslim Neighbors?”
Today’s Featured Post is one I hope everyone will read and consider prayerfully. In it I ask the question, “Are we as committed to our faith and it’s spread as our Muslim Neighbors?”
Have you thought about reading through the Bible, maybe know you should, but keep saying, “Maybe next year”? Here is a 15-day catch-up plan so you can make this year your year!
Though Christians are told to rejoice in our suffering, We can only rejoice when we know some things about God. What must we know?
This week’s book review is Intimate Issues: Twenty-One Questions Christian Women Ask About Sex by Linda Dillow & Lorraine Pintus. SEX … it’s everywhere! It’s in commercials, situation comedies, on billboards, even subtly injected into children’s movies. And yet …...
Marriage is hard. It takes work. It takes staying committed in a world that says, “If I’m not happy, I’m outta here.” Yet, none of us marries with the idea that it won’t last. We get married thinking our relationship will be different. We’re in love and plan to live happily ever after. That lasts about a week-and-a-half.
Instead, marriage is like God’s sandpaper. It exposes our basic selfishness and all our rough edges. But if we let God teach us where we need to grow and change … if we learn to forgive … if we learn what it means to give grace to one another … if we stay committed through the good times and the bad, marriage can be one of God’s greatest gifts.
John Foxe was a 16th-century English historian best known for writing the book, Foxe’s Book of Martyrs. It gives a detailed account of Christian martyrs throughout Western history. His book is about courageous men, women, and children who have been...
I believe prayer changes things and I care about people. So, why do I sometimes forget to pray when I say I will? Maybe you have, too. Someone shares a need and you promise to pray. You really mean to, but...
Happy 4th of July Happy 4th of July. I hope you are all enjoying your summer. It’s been a busy summer for us so far. We have grandchildren in town for a month and lots of other things going on....
We’ve all heard it, read it, and probably been told it at some time or another: “Just forgive!” Or sometimes it is put in more secular terms: “Get over it!” Those of us who are walking with the Lord know we...
Things have been busy here on the blog and for me personally. I’m still working on the new theme: changing image sizes, deleting old posts, and learning how to use the new bells and whistles. I apologize to anyone who...
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