Redeeming Waste | 5-Minute Friday
It’s time for 5-minute Friday, a one-word writing prompt where we write for 5 minutes without editing or stopping. Today’s word is say.
Say … As soon as I read the word for today I knew what I was going to say.
It’s time for 5-minute Friday, a one-word writing prompt where we write for 5 minutes without editing or stopping. Today’s word is say.
Say … As soon as I read the word for today I knew what I was going to say.
It’s time for 5-minute Friday, a one-word writing prompt where we write for 5 minutes without editing or stopping. Today’s word is say.
Say … As soon as I read the word for today I knew what I was going to say.
Maintain … is it a good thing or a bad? I think it could be either depending on what we are maintaining. The first thing that comes to mind is maintaining the status quo. That’s usually a bad thing. It makes me think of maintaining mediocrity. But I believe there are other areas where maintaining is a good or at least a neutral thing.
Leaving a church that you love and the church family you have come to know and love is always hard. But then maybe it should be.
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