In the United States (and many other countries), we have largely turned away from the God of the Bible and the consequences are obvious! Our godlessness has affected education, politics, business, family life, and more. Lawlessness is at an all-time high and, if that’s not bad enough, we continue to see a rise in mass violence and terrorism around the world and here at home. While it seems overwhelming, we can make a difference. Find out how.
Is there some area of life where you’re struggling to trust God? Do you find yourself impatient because God has failed to answer your prayer or change your circumstances? Maybe it’s the loss of a job or an unwanted medical diagnosis. Perhaps someone has sinned against you but seems to be happily going on with his or her life. Whatever it is, it hurts and you find yourself struggling to trust God.
Discipleship is the process of growing in faith and spiritual maturity through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. It is a lifelong commitment to learning and growing that happens through regular prayer, Bible study, and being part of a Christian community. It includes learning to share the gospel with others and helping them grow, too, all an essential part of the Great Commission.
Trusting God during tough times can be one of the most difficult challenges we face. How do we continue to trust Him when He doesn’t seem to be answering our prayers, when a child isn’t getting better, when finances still seem impossible, or when the doctor hands us a bad report? Where do we find hope? What will we believe about God during those tough times? And if we’re not in the middle of a challenging season, what can we do to be ready for them when they come?
Not all idolatry is characterized by the worship of statues and even when it is, there are idols of the heart at play, as well. We might say they are the idols behind the idols.
God warned the nation of Israel over and over to repent and turn from their idolatry. Their refusal to do so took them into captivity and cost them the loss of their land, their homes, their freedom, and often their families. The consequences of idolatry are just as devastating today! So, how can we know if we have idols of the heart?
Do you have a sense of guilt over something from your past? Is there someone to whom you need to make amends or restitution? Restitution is restoring or paying back something that has been lost, stolen, or damaged. Maybe it’s not something you actually stole. Maybe you hurt or sinned against someone and you need to seek forgiveness. Is there a letter you need to write or a call you need to make? Could not doing so be hindering your relationship with God?
All of God’s Word is valuable for teaching us to live a God-honoring life, but today’s New Testament reading contains a great synopsis of the basics of the Christian life including our responsibilities whether older men and women or younger.
Also, read about God’s incredible patience and the reason God may be allowing some unpleasant circumstances in our lives.
We live in a world that can be dangerous at times. And there is wisdom in being mindful of genuine danger. But could there be a kind of fear that is wrong, even sinful? Could it lead to guilt, anxiety, and paranoia? And when it does, could it be part of God’s early warning system to keep us from experiencing deeper emotional or spiritual issues?
In today’s other readings, we’ll look at God’s faithfulness in hard times. And on our part, the importance of doing what is morally right and not what appears to benefit us at the moment. We’ll, also, talk about a biblical view of authority and contentment in our circumstances whatever they may be.
Jesus said in Matthew 11 that He came to give us rest or we could say peace in our souls. Are you enjoying that kind of peace of mind? Or are you full of anxiety, restlessness, and discontent? If it’s the latter, it turns out that learning to enjoy God’s peace of mind is neither impossible nor mysterious. You can read more in today’s post.
With all the problems in our country and around the world, many people lack any sense of peace and stability. And it’s all too easy to point the finger at some group or individual who we believe is to blame. Often, we blame one political party or the other. We think a different political leader or a different political philosophy is the answer. And, there is always someone willing to tell us what we want to hear. But are peace and stability even possible in turbulent times? And if so, does the answer lie in the political realm?