Stuart Scott says, “Pride is the opposite of humility and it is one of the most loathed sins in God’s sight.” He adds, “We all have pride … The question is not ‘Do I have it?’ but, ‘Where is it?’ and ‘How much of it do I have?’”
Our Old Testament reading gives us a great illustration of what pride can do when not dealt with. So, where does pride show up in your life? Check Dr. Scott’s list of the manifestations of pride listed below. You might be surprised.
In the first century, a small army of believers turned the known world upside down in a matter of a few years without TV, radio, or mass media. They simply believed in the power of the gospel to change lives and the Holy Spirit working through them. And they did it in the face of intense opposition.
Today our world is being turned upside down but not by the gospel. How should we respond? What can we do? What is the ultimate answer? These are questions that haunt many of us.
In today’s post, you’ll also read about:
One of the greatest evils in our nation and our accountability before God.
And finally, we’ll look at one of the greatest prayers ever recorded. It was prayed by a man who fell short like us, but who understood where to turn for help.
How can we fight back against false accusations, suffering, and mistreatment? And what about the ordinary, everyday hurts that come to us all? How should we respond to them? Is there a way to fight back that is honoring to God?
Betrayal. Rejection. Hurt. Anger. Disappointment. You have probably experienced one or more of them. I know I have.
How should we respond when we’re hurt or betrayed by someone we trusted? Is there a super-weapon to deal with that kind of betrayal? Today’s post has 7 steps to follow when we have been wounded by an enemy or even a friend.
How do you handle conflict? Do you always have to have the last word? Does your temper quickly kick in? Even when you try to resolve conflicts well, does it seem that things only escalate? Are there some simple principles that when applied to conflicts can lead to peace instead?
And from our Old Testament reading:
What is your attitude toward the singing during Sunday morning worship? Is it something you see as nice “if you make it on time”? Do you purposely come in late to avoid it? What does the Bible teach about worship that might change your mind about its importance?
One of the most concise Biblical instructions for parents appears in the book of Ephesians where it says, “… do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord.” Some of the ways we provoke our children to anger are obvious, but others may be less so. Could you be provoking your children to anger in ways you haven’t realized?
I’ve noticed that most people either find prayer a natural part of their Christian life or thoroughly enjoy studying the Bible. But rarely, have I met someone who says both come easily and naturally to them. Yet, it’s the two...
When sin entered the world it was accompanied by an uninvited guest … FEAR. Yet, the Bible tells us over 450 times, “fear not” or similar words. Find out the two root causes of fear and learn to overcome it biblically in your own life.
Welcome once again to Mondays @ Soul Survival. Each week I’ll feature a book that I consider a valuable resource. This week’s selection is When Life Is Hard by James MacDonald, one of the best books I have ever read...