Do you want to grow spiritually? Do you know someone else you’d like to see grow spiritually?
Matthew 28.19-20 says we are all to go and make disciples and to teach others how to live the Christian life. That often involves us growing, too.
So, how can the average person live out Matthew 28.19-20, also called the Great Commission? Watch the video to learn about an easy-to-use resource that can help you do that.
Do you want to grow spiritually? Do you know someone else you’d like to see grow spiritually?
Matthew 28.19-20 says we are all to go and make disciples and to teach others how to live the Christian life. That often involves us growing, too.
So, how can the average person live out Matthew 28.19-20, also called the Great Commission? Watch the video to learn about an easy-to-use resource that can help you do that.
Have you wanted to read through the Bible but the idea seems too overwhelming? Do you wish you had someone to help you understand the more difficult sections and someone to cheer you on when you get behind or bogged down? Kind of a bible for dummies plan?
It’s easy this time of year to see how the message of Christmas has been blurred or almost obliterated in many places. Schools schedule a “winter break” instead of a “Christmas vacation.” Candy canes and Christmas trees are out, to say nothing of nativity scenes and wise men. Even Santa and reindeer are out in some places as guilty by association.
We can’t control what others do but we need to ask ourselves, what are you and I doing to personally shine the light of Christ into the world in which we live? Are we so focused on long lines and long to-do lists that we fail to share the most important thing about Christmas … the gospel of Jesus Christ?
Yet, maybe the idea of sharing the gospel at any time of year is intimidating to you. Check out today’s post to learn about a simple resource and some other suggestions that can help you share your faith this Christmas season.
Do you want to grow spiritually? Do you know someone else you’d like to see grow spiritually?
Matthew 28.19-20 says we are all to go and make disciples and to teach others how to live the Christian life. That often involves us growing, too.
So, how can the average person live out Matthew 28.19-20, also called the Great Commission? Watch the video to learn about an easy-to-use resource that can help you do that.
Recently we’ve talked about how to have peace in place of the anxiety and distress so many are facing today. We also looked at various kinds of legalism, including how it might look in our parenting, how some of our politicians are too much like one of Israel’s kings, the test of genuine faith and so much more.
A quick scan of the links below will show you the wide variety of subjects we’ve covered. There are links to the posts here on the website and to the YouTube version.
Recently we’ve talked about how to have peace in place of the anxiety and distress so many are facing today. We also looked at various kinds of legalism, including how it might look in our parenting, how some of our politicians are too much like one of Israel’s kings, the test of genuine faith and so much more.
A quick scan of the links below will show you the wide variety of subjects we’ve covered. There are links to the posts here on the website and to the YouTube version.
Recently we’ve talked about how to pull down strongholds, how to have God’s peace and stability in challenging times, persecution and why the world hates Christians, reasons God allows us to go through hardships, presumptuous sin, the gospel of grace, handling money wisely, thinking seriously about eternity, and so much more.
The Bible has a great deal to say about wisdom and its flip side, foolishness. In this series, we’re looking at what it means to be a wise woman and, by comparison, what it means to be foolish and how...
A few years ago I taught a lesson during a summer ladies’ Bible study. The posters promoting the study were very eye-catching, but it was the tagline that caught my attention, “A woman of God can never be like a woman of the world.” My lesson was on wisdom versus foolishness which has everything to do with being a woman of God rather than a woman of the world. I’d like to share some of those truths today and in the next few lessons in this series.
The Bible has a great deal to say about wisdom and the flip side, foolishness. In this series, we’ll look at what it means to be wise and, by comparison, what it means to be foolish and how to recognize the difference.