Why bother living right? After all, everyone else seems to be living any way that makes them happy. Couples live together without ever marrying yet still attend church without criticism or shame. Others divorce because they are no longer happy together. And in many other ways, those who claim faith in God live lives that look more like the world rather than faithful Christians.
So why not? Are they just lifestyle choices that don’t make that much difference? Are the things in the Bible mostly suggestions for a better life? And if they really are sin, since God is willing to forgive sin, why not just live any way we want and confess them later?
A few years ago I taught a lesson during a summer ladies’ Bible study. The posters promoting the study were very eye-catching, but it was the tagline that caught my attention, “A woman of God can never be like a woman of the world.” My lesson was on wisdom versus foolishness which has everything to do with being a woman of God rather than a woman of the world. I’d like to share some of those truths today and in the next few lessons in this series.
The Bible has a great deal to say about wisdom and the flip side, foolishness. In this series, we’ll look at what it means to be wise and, by comparison, what it means to be foolish and how to recognize the difference.
Watch and listen to the Bible in a Year on YouTube! Get your FREE downloadable and printable Bible study through the book of Mark when you subscribe to my channel. Let me know here (so I can send the link)....
Do you want to go deeper in your study of God’s Word? Would you like to do it at your own pace? Get a FREE downloadable and printable Bible study through the entire gospel of Mark when you subscribe to...
Happy Leap Year Everyone! There are no readings on our plan for February 29 but I wanted to share some thoughts about the God of time, seasons, and leap year.
If you’re like most Christians, you have thought about reading through the Bible. Maybe you have tried in the past but quit somewhere along the line. Or maybe you have done it successfully … perhaps numerous times.
Why is it so important? Can’t we get everything we need by going to church, reading a verse or two each day, and listening to podcasts here and there? Isn’t it just too time-consuming? One more thing on a long to-do list? And if we make that commitment, how do we press through when it’s tempting to give up?
Please keep reading. I’d like to answer those questions and offer you one more way to help make this your year to read the Bible from start to finish.
I will still be here in the coming year blogging through the Bible in a Year. But beginning this January, I’ll also be posting Bible in a Year videos on YouTube. You can view several of them right now including...
This year is drawing to a close and many of us are thinking about our desires and goals for 2023. By the time you read this, we may have already turned the calendar. With all the turmoil and instability over the last few years, most of us want more peace, more joy, and more confidence in the future. Are we at the mercy of the government or the economy or the culture around us if we’re to have those things? Or is it possible that the right goals and habits can play a big part? If so, what kind of goals and habits?