Thanking God for Third-Stage Moments | 5-Minute Friday
Leaving a church that you love and the church family you have come to know and love is always hard. But then maybe it should be.
Leaving a church that you love and the church family you have come to know and love is always hard. But then maybe it should be.
We’ve all been there. Maybe you’re there right now. You’re going through a trial yet God seems nowhere to be found. And you find yourself wondering why.
You believe His promise to never leave you or forsake you. You believe God answers prayers. But … silence.
Leaving a church that you love and the church family you have come to know and love is always hard. But then maybe it should be.
Communication or the lack thereof is a problem in many relationships. How about yours? Do you ever feel like you talk to friends and family, even your spouse, but just aren’t sure you’re being heard? Do you feel you’re frequently misunderstood and when you keep trying it only leads to an argument? You’re not alone. But the answer isn’t getting angry, talking louder, or clamming up. What can we do instead?
Are you faced with a problem that you don’t understand? I know I’ve got a few. There are relationship issues that haven’t sorted themselves out and some doors that are shut for no logical reason. There are questions with no obvious answers, family members who have been hurt unnecessarily, and challenges I wish weren’t there. How about you? How can we face those things without losing our faith and trust in God? And could they actually be God’s protection in some way?
Do our politicians understand that all power and authority come from God (Jn. 19.11) and He will hold those accountable who misuse it? Just as teachers have a higher accountability to teach the truth, those in authority will face a stricter judgment.
I first wrote this post a couple of years ago near the beginning of the year when many of us make fresh commitments to read more in the Bible, pray more, and in general, have a more effective quiet time. But when I came across it this morning, I thought it was worth republishing since it’s something most of us think about often.
While there is no right way or wrong way to do that, there are some things that can make our time with God more spiritually profitable and enjoyable. I’d like to share twenty-eight of them.
No matter what is going on this Resurrection Sunday, nothing can change the fact that “Jesus is Risen” and now sits at the right hand of the Father. And one day … He’s coming again!
And for those of us who belong to Him, life will never be the same!
If you want to know more about what that means, I pray that you will watch the video linked to this post.
Leaving, cleaving, weaving: Often, when a couple is struggling in their marriage, it can be traced back to a failure to obey God in one or more of these areas.
Why a fresh start through the Bible? Why “through” the Bible? Why not just read here and there, perhaps finding a subject that interests you? Or how about a short devotional? As long as you read something every day, isn’t that good enough? Today’s reading from the book of Psalms gives us a very good illustration of why it’s so important to read God’s Word in context.
The psalmist in Psalm 1 talks about a man who is like a tree planted on a riverbank where it gets plenty of water and is always fruitful. The psalmist goes on to say that God prospers whatever this man does.
I don’t know about you, but I want my life to be like that. But despite some who teach that God wants to make every believer prosperous, there are requirements for this prosperity. There are things we must do and other things we are to avoid. We also need to understand what the psalmist meant when he wrote about prosperity. If we don’t, we may find ourselves disillusioned, even angry, with God.
But this is just one example of the importance of understanding God’s Word in context, in its entirety. One of the biggest problems I find among believers is a failure to know God, to know His character, to know how He works through our tests and trials. As a result, far too many lead faithless, defeated lives.
But when we read through all of Scripture, we begin to see the big picture. As we go through the book of Genesis, we’ll look at the creation account and what it tells us about our incredible God. It will launch us on a journey through the history of God’s people and some of the most fascinating stories even recorded. As we go through the Prophets, we’ll see the many examples where their prophecies have already come to pass and our faith will grow. We will, also, come to better understand what was really happening in the book of Job, how much the psalmists were like us, and see the wisdom we can gain from Proverbs. In the New Testament, we’ll walk with Jesus and the Apostles, read Paul’s letters with fresh understanding, and marvel at the glories of eternity future.
So, why read “through” the Bible and not just here and there? So we understand the whole counsel of God and so we know the God of the Bible and not God as we think He should be.
Perhaps the question should be, “Why not read through the Bible in 2022?”
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