What’s wrong with living together? Many people today argue that a marriage license is “just a piece of paper.” Others claim that marriage was an institution designed by society or governments and is no longer necessary or useful.
And in fact, our government seems to be perfectly accepting of cohabitation as an alternative. Many businesses consider domestic partners, as they are sometimes referred to, eligible for benefits. Society, as a whole, no longer gives it much thought. So, is marriage an outdated concept? Is living together the practical, logical, even necessary, thing to do in many circumstances?
Also, why do we need to be willing to speak the truth about the LGBTQ+ array of issues? Why must we refuse to be silent?
David was at his wits’ end. Even his own men had turned against him. Yet he wasn’t at his faith’s end. Instead, David strengthened himself in the Lord.
What can we learn from David about how to strengthen ourselves in the Lord? What should we remember about God’s sovereignty, goodness, justice, and mercy? And how might God be using our challenges for good so that, as Romans 8.29 says, we can become more like Christ?
Today we will read one of the more challenging stories in the Bible. First King Saul banned all the mediums from the land. Then he went to one himself and she appeared to call the prophet Samuel back from the dead. What does this passage say to us? Are there mediums and spiritists at work today?
What is white magic or is there any such thing? Is it acceptable for Christians to read their horoscopes or study astrology or numerology? Is there anything wrong with tarot cards, cleansings, Ouija boards, and palm reading? Important questions.
And from our New Testament reading, have you ever wondered or had someone ask you in regard to salvation, “How can all those Muslims and others be wrong? How can they all be going to hell because they don’t believe in the Christian God and in Jesus? How can God condemn them for something they don’t know?”
One step forward, two steps back. Have you ever felt that way? I know I have. You feel like you’re growing and that real change is happening. Maybe you have just experienced some great spiritual victory and the next thing you know, you have failed God miserably. Maybe you even feel like giving up. Ever been there? What do we need to remember when we experience those feelings of failure?
Do you ever find yourself bored with your prayer life? In his book, Praying the Bible, Donald Whitney, Professor of Biblical Spirituality and Associate Dean at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, poses the question, “Why don’t Christians pray more?” He gives the startling answer that we don’t pray more because we tend to pray the same old way about the same old things, day after day, and prayer becomes boring! So, what does Professor Whitney recommend to infuse life into our time with God?
Also, do you ever feel like God teaches you something, you respond in obedience, and then, almost immediately, God gives you another opportunity to be tested in the same area? Perhaps you wonder, “Why am I here again?”
Do you feel like God could never use you? That you don’t have what it takes?
Too often we look at others and wish we had their gifts and talents. We think about our mistakes, our education or lack of, our family history and we wonder … how could God use me? I hope you’ll take some time to read today’s Old Testament passages and think about who God used here.
I hope you will also consider whether there is something you need to do or something you need to leave behind so you can be used by God more.
And, as we start the gospel of John, we’ll talk about the God who “invaded” history.
How do you respond to instruction, criticism, or rebuke? Do you have a teachable spirit (attitude)? Do you accept wisdom and instruction as God’s sovereign work in your life or do you get defensive and reject it? I know I find it hard at times to take correction. But what do our answers say about us and why is it so important to understand and deal with these things?
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Anxiety and stress, even paranoia are not just modern issues. People in the Bible suffered from the same emotions. Today we’ll see an example in the life of Saul. If we’re struggling with some of those same emotions, could the reason Saul suffered such strong negative feelings be true for us, even to a small degree? If so, understanding it could change our lives.
We’ll also talk about word pictures in the Bible and how Jesus can cause our hearts to burn with the fire of the Holy Spirit by opening our understanding of His Word!
Our Proverbs reading reminds us that even the thoughts of an evil man or woman are an abomination to God, because, “thoughts are words to God.”
Thoughts come, even ungodly ones at times, but what do we do with them? Do we take them and consider them, look at them from different angles, or do we reject those that are not pleasing to Him? What are we saying to God with our thoughts?
And from our Old Testament reading in 1 Samuel, we’re reminded of the importance of our perspective. How do you view life and its potential problems? What do you see? One kind of vision leads to greater faith in God; the other leads to fear, worry, and doubt.