What does it mean that God visits the iniquity or the sins of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation? Are those children doomed spiritually? Are they bound to repeat their parents’ sins? Will they bear the guilt or the punishment for their parents’ wrongdoings?
Find out in today’s post. Also, why is it so important to read Scripture in light of other Scripture? And is it wise to co-sign someone else’s loan?
Over the last few years, we have seen more than our share of protests. In fact, as Americans, we have a tradition of protest and, certainly, some protest is healthy.
But many of today’s protests have taken on an ugly, finger-pointing, refusal-to-even-listen-to-the-other-side tone. It’s one thing to protest genuine injustice, especially when it’s in defense of those who are least able to defend themselves, but have many of our protests turned into the kind that God will judge?
Even if we’re on the side of truth, have our attitudes toward those with whom we disagree become displeasing to the Lord? If so, what should we do and how should we respond to those who protest against, even attack, our stand for God and His righteousness?
What does the Bible say about hell? Is it a real place? Will God actually send people there? If so, why would a loving God do that? And what about heaven? Is it real? If so, will everyone, eventually, go there? If not, who will?
And what about nations? Does God bless whole nations? Does He judge whole nations, as well? If so, could our nation be under judgment or could it be fast approaching?
Life seems to be full of choices. Little choices. Big choices. But in reality, there are only two. Yet, making the right one often determines whether life goes well or whether life gets hard. If our lives are full of tribulation and distress, we may need to examine our choices in light of this principle. When we do, we can enjoy what the Apostle Paul called glory, honor, and peace, in place of tribulation and distress.
Check out today’s reading in Proverbs to find out more about those two choices and their connection to tribulation, distress, and hardship.
Is there any such thing in the Bible as an “adultery test”? And, if so, what would an Old Testament law about jealousy and possible adultery have to do with us?
Actually, the Bible has a great deal to say about adultery and other forms of sexual immorality. We’re told to not even have an appearance of evil (Eph. 5.3) and Proverbs 31.11 says to us wives, “The heart of her husband safely trusts her …” But the same principles apply to men, as well as, women. Read more about the adultery test in today’s reading.
And when we’re tempted to think adultery has nothing to do with us, we should remember that all of us should be in the business of protecting our marriages from any and every attack of the enemy. What precautions can we take to do that? Are there “freedoms” we should be willing to forsake for the good of our marriages?
Are you going through some difficulty? Are the things of this world pressing in? Do you feel like God isn’t even listening? Meditate on today’s reading in Psalm 30 … joy will come!
Also, read about the mouth of the righteous and the words of the perverse. And from our New Testament reading, how even the disciples struggled to understand some of the things Jesus taught them.
Do you ever feel like you’re stretched too thin? Has over-commitment become a way of life for you? Do you find yourself irritable, impatient, angry, or full of stress because other people, maybe even God, seem to be standing in the way of your agenda? Could your frustration and stress come from two common problems?
What is the difference between religion and biblical Christianity? One is about works. It’s about constantly working to acquire or maintain a right relationship with God. The other is a gift of grace. Which one describes your relationship with God?
Also, our reading in Proverbs says, “The blessing of the LORD makes one rich, and He adds no sorrow with it.” It goes on, “What the wicked fears will come upon him, but the desire of the righteous will be granted.” What kind of riches can a believer in Christ expect and how does the fear of the wicked come back upon him?
When the Nation of Israel followed God’s commands to observe a year of Sabbath rest every seven years and an additional year known as the year of Jubilee every fifty years, God provided so much on the sixth year that it sustained them for three.
What does the year of Jubilee picture for us? Is there a greater meaning than just God’s provision for our physical needs? What is true biblical prosperity and what can help us experience it?
In the book of Isaiah, God said we were created for His glory. One definition for bringing someone glory is to give others the right opinion of that person. How do you look to others? If you claim to be a follower of Christ, do you live in a way that brings Him glory? If, like me, you believe you could do better, here are four ways we can better give others the right opinion of God.
Also, read about what often happens when we try to share our faith with those closest to us and how to keep an eternal perspective instead of being offended by a common reaction.