Parental legalism often focuses on behavior as opposed to the heart. These legalists make Christianity all about “the law,” often their own law or house rules. When they do, they run the risk of keeping their children from seeing their need for genuine heart change and a personal relationship with Christ. Could you have fallen into parental legalism?
Also, read about how and how not to communicate with a person who is acting like a fool and how we can sometimes practice idolatry without recognizing it for what it is.
When people are asked whether they believe they will go to heaven and why, what is the most frequent answer? Why is their belief such a dangerous one? And what about after we’re saved, what keeps us right with God? Is it right living or something else?
Most of us have probably heard and thought more about politics in the last couple of years than we would like. The political narrative has become so contentious and divisive that at times it seems to threaten the stability of our nation. How did we get here? Some of the blame goes back to an attitude that is not new but is shared by many of our politicians. But could we bear some of the blame?
I’ve heard it said that we are all legalists at heart. Some people believe that we must earn our salvation by our good works. Others may realize we can only be saved by grace but add to the gospel by thinking there are things we must do to stay in God’s good graces. But there is another form of legalism that we may not have recognized as such. It’s the popular “faith and prosperity doctrine.” Don’t believe me? Keep reading.
In today’s post … How can you be sure you belong to God and your faith is genuine saving faith? How can you, “Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith” as the Apostle Paul told the Corinthians?
We’ll also read about the schemes of the enemy and how the devil wraps up sin so deceptively, talk about imprecatory prayer and look at what happens when we don’t exercise self-control.
Paul was one of God’s most faithful servants. So, why would God allow a trial in his life that was so difficult he called it “a thorn in the flesh”?
And Paul is not the only one who has struggled with a trial that could be called a thorn in the flesh. “Thorns” may be physical, emotional, relational, or spiritual but they hurt and they can make life hard.
So, why would God allow such a thorn in Paul’s life? And why does He allow difficult trials in our lives?
With all the problems in our country and around the world, many people lack any sense of peace and stability. And it’s all too easy to point the finger at some group or individual who we believe is to blame. Often, we blame one political party or the other. We think a different political leader or a different political philosophy is the answer. And, there is always someone willing to tell us what we want to hear. But are peace and stability even possible in turbulent times? And if so, does the answer lie in the political realm?
Evil seems to come at us from everywhere, sometimes, even from those closest to us. Yet, we’re commanded to overcome evil, not using the world’s tactics and not what seems right to us. God has given us a much more powerful weapon to overcome evil. Read about three women who overcame evil in the most unlikely ways.
We’ll also talk about what it means to have a steadfast heart and how doing so can help us get through the most difficult circumstances in our lives.
If you’ve been around church for a while, you have probably heard someone teach or talk about strongholds. Depending on your church background, you may have different ideas about what the word means. When the Apostle Paul talked about strongholds, what was he referring to? Could we have strongholds in our own lives? And, if so, how do we get rid of them?
We’ll also look at the Sovereignty of God, how to be more sensitive and discerning in our personal ministry to friends and family, and ask ourselves a couple of important questions: Could we be drunk on something other than drugs and alcohol? If so, how could it put us in a stupor that is just as dangerous?
Wars, terrorism, viruses, riots and civil unrest, natural disasters, North Korea, Iran, Afghanistan, Ukraine, rapidly changing cultural shifts, and partisan politics. It seems like our nation and the world are spinning out of control. And if we put our trust in human institutions, people, living in the right country, winning elections, or having the right set of circumstances in our lives, we will never experience lasting peace.
But there is a peace, a far superior kind of peace, that is available. It’s not the peace of some idealized life without storms, losses, or hardships. It’s a peace that can come in spite of them.