God through the prophet Isaiah had a lot to say about judgment. And in chapter 3, He spoke directly to the women of Isaiah’s day. He warned them that judgment would come in the areas that were so important to them. What did that mean?
But God didn’t send Isaiah to His people out of meanness. He sent him to warn them so they could repent and turn from evil and going their own way because God cannot be just, holy, and righteous and not judge evil. Something our nation, as a whole, needs to understand.
So, what does all this have to do with tattoos and t-shirts? And what words of encouragement did Isaiah include in his warnings?
“Let your women keep silent in the churches … they are to be submissive …” Not a popular idea in today’s world! The first time many women read that verse, they are confused at the least and sometimes even angry. It seems to go against so much that our culture values. So, is God unfair? Does He favor men?
Also, as we start the book of Isaiah, we will begin looking at God’s warnings to the nation of Israel. He was fed up with their hypocritical religion and warned them of coming judgment. But He also provided a glimpse of the mercy and grace that would follow.
Red hot love? Does God really approve of a red-hot sexual relationship within the context of marriage? Judge for yourself as you read the descriptive and suggestive language the lovers used in the Song of Solomon!
And what about pornography … is there a place for it within marriage or outside of it?
What is biblical love and can it enable us to treat someone in a Christ-like way even when the other person is acting selfishly? How do the principles in God’s Word apply to marriage and every relationship (with parents, children, co-workers, friends, neighbors, extended family, even strangers)?
Also, read about God’s care for all of His creatures, our attitude toward the wicked, and get a link to a FREE printout for your devotional time that can help you assess how you’re doing in the area of biblical love.
God’s desire for us is for holiness. But holiness is more than our outward actions. It’s about what’s going on in our hearts. God repeatedly emphasizes the need for us to allow Him to work in our hearts. In the book of James, He gives us two powerful illustrations about how our thinking, part of what’s going on in our heart or inner man, affects our growth in holiness or conversely allows us to give in to sin.
Also, read about how we’re to respond when an enemy falls and the purpose of spiritual gifts.
Though we all know it’s there, most of us give little thought to what the conscience is, how it works, and why it’s important. We may find it annoying when our conscience keeps us from enjoying the things we want to do. In fact, some psychologists have told us our problem is a conscience that has been programmed by outdated religious ideas that keep us from being who we really are. They say we should throw off the shackles of our conscience. That, often, has a certain appeal to our sinful nature. But what is the conscience, why is it one of God’s mercies, and why might it need re-informing?
Often when we harbor some sin, we console ourselves by claiming it only affects us. But both when we sin and when we choose to respond as we should, we never do it in isolation. The effect of our behavior on our children and others can be profound and long-lasting. Will we affect them for good or evil? What are we teaching them by our example?
Also, read about the conclusion of the Book of Ecclesiastes and the sweetness of God’s wisdom.
God’s wisdom can help us avoid many problems, but ignoring it can lead to all kinds of trouble and heartache in every area of life. When it comes to the decision of whether or not to marry someone, God’s Word provides an abundance of wisdom and caution that can save us from years of heartache. We ignore those premarital red flags at our own peril. Even if you are already married, these are important truths to understand when you have opportunities to minister to others, including your children, regarding their dating relationships.
Also, read about one secret to contentment, why our criminal justice system often doesn’t deter crime, some important questions to consider before exercising our “freedoms” in Christ, and what it really means to “eat, drink, and be merry.”
Note: This is a longer post than usual because of the list of red flags. If you’re not interested in that list, you can skip it and read the other sections.
The Bible is full of promises for those who will trust in God. One of God’s promises is very important for those going through tests and trials. But this promise has good news and bad. And if we don’t understand it, we can make our trials much worse. Perhaps, even last longer.
The Bible has a great deal to say about money. Today’s reading talks about the futility of money without peace, contentment, and someone to share it. And warns us that if we take it for granted or live like there is no tomorrow, we may find we are working only to give it away or wake up and find it all gone.
Also, read about the importance of wise friends and counselors, how God’s Word never changes, and the value of laying down our lives for the cause of Christ.