Angels would herald His birth. Wise men would follow a star to worship Him. Shepherds would stand in awe of what they saw. A king would try to kill Him. Satan would scheme to destroy Him and God’s plan. But Mary pondered it all in her heart. As we rush around with all the last-minute shopping and preparations, let’s remember the Greatest Gift.
And not lose sight of the reason behind all that we do this Christmas season … that the Creator of the Universe humbled Himself and became a babe, was born in a stable among animals and filth, lived as a man among sinners, and submitted to a horrible death in your place and mine.
In the Prophet Micah’s day, most of the people had placed their hope in the wrong things. They had rejected the warnings of God’s prophets, choosing to listen to false prophets instead. Those false prophets merely told them what they wanted to hear and failed to call them to repentance for their sinful behavior.
That kind of deception is one of the devil’s oldest tricks. It started with his deception of Eve in the Garden. But deception leads only to despair when people realize their hope was placed in the wrong thing.
Today many are deceived into believing lies about human sexuality, God’s character, how He works through our trials, the reality of God’s discipline and judgment, and many other false belief systems. Each of us needs to be sure those things in which we place our hope are firmly grounded in God’s truth.
And in our New Testament reading …
In Revelation 9 the fifth and sixth trumpets sound! The fifth releases swarming locust-like demons with tails like scorpions. They will attack those who do not have the seal of God. Their stings will leave people begging to die, but not even able to commit suicide. And the sixth is even worse.
You may think you know the story of Jonah, but there is so much more for us to learn from the book by his name. First, there is the fact that disobedience and running from God can land us in some pretty nasty circumstances. But there are, also, great lessons on God’s mercy, willingness to forgive, and what He expects from us when we’re sinned against.
Then our New Testament reading is from Revelation 8 with the beginning of the seven trumpet judgments. The first four are horrible enough, but before the fifth one sounds an angel cries, “Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth, because of the remaining blasts of the trumpet …”
Have you wanted to read through the Bible but the idea seems too overwhelming? Do you wish you had someone to help you understand the more difficult sections and someone to cheer you on when you get behind or bogged down? Kind of a bible for dummies plan?
Yesterday, in our New Testament reading, we talked about the opening of the first six seals in Revelation 6. It will be a time of famine, death, earthquakes, volcanoes, murder, chaos, and disaster. But it will be followed by a time of eerie calm and devastating fear after the God of heaven is seen on His throne and the world reels in terror over “what’s next?”
Also, do you ever take silent pleasure when someone who has criticized or mistreated you falls or suffers a setback? Is that how we should react? Is there a problem with rejoicing when “what goes around comes around”? Today’s reading in Obadiah looks at those questions.
The Tribulation can be challenging to understand for believers and non-believers alike. But we must remember that though God is a God of mercy and grace, He is also the Righteous Judge and must one day judge evil. While no one knows the day or the time, He will, possibly soon, begin opening the seven seals of Revelation 6 and unleashing final judgment on all who refuse to repent and turn to Him for forgiveness. What will that look like?
The Bible is the unpopular truth to many today. Those who believe it are ridiculed and accused of unloving behavior and attitudes. Many demand that instead we “give hardy approval” to the sinful things they do. Some who refuse have been sued or threatened with fines and other legal action. Freedom of religion is fast being replaced with a demand for the freedom “to do whatever I please.”
So, how does God expect us to respond? Are we to compromise in an attempt to hold on to whatever rights we still have? And how should we pray in these difficult times?
Have you ever been misjudged, falsely accused, or passed over by someone in leadership? Have you been hurt, mistreated, or treated unfairly? What do you think about at those times? Is it possible those events are actually orchestrated by God? And could those be the times we can grow the most? But something may need to change if that’s to happen.
Also, find out why God would call a group of women the “cows of Bashan.” Not very flattering! But could we be guilty of the same thing?
I love my coffee in the morning and, on occasion, I enjoy iced coffee, especially those blended ones from coffee emporiums. But when I drink hot coffee, I use one of those insulated cups to keep it really hot because lukewarm coffee is good for nothing! It’s the same for lukewarm Christians. Where are you on God’s thermometer of faith? Is God’s warning to the lukewarm Christians in the Laodicean church for you? Why could this post be more important to you than you think, possibly even eternally important?
Also, read about the tongue and the importance of allowing the Holy Spirit to help you control it and how the fear of man (trying to please people) is a trap!
Remember. Repent. Repeat. If “red-hot love” has turned to “not tonight, honey” and passion has given way to bills, soccer games, and to-do lists … if you seem to have lost that loving feeling … what do those simple instructions have to do with regaining the feelings of love and romance you once had?
And on what are the greatest feelings in the world dependent? How can we have them no matter what our circumstances and whether or not other people act right or not?