Many people consider parenting to be the mother’s job and, even if they believe both parents need to be involved, mom often ends up with most of the responsibility. But parenting isn’t a one-person job. God intended for moms and dads to parent as a team.
Marriage Made in Heaven? Part 13 “Healthy Communication”
“Communication is to a relationship what blood is to the human body. Communication nourishes and sustains a relationship. Remove it, and you no longer have a relationship.”
The Bible has much to say about the importance of healthy communication and the results of bad communication. James said the tongue can be “set on fire by hell.” So, how can couples grow and become more intentional when it comes to healthy communication?
Marriage Made in Heaven? Part 12 “Loving Leadership”
Leadership books, seminars, articles, and posts abound in every realm of life. They approach leadership in many different ways. Jesus’ explanation of leadership might seem counter-intuitive to many. In fact, it even surprised His disciples. But Jesus’ kind of leadership is extremely important to understand, especially in the context of marriage.
Marriage Made in Heaven? Part 11 “RESPECT”
RESPECT: It’s a word that comes up often in counseling rooms. It’s tossed out in the midst of arguments. Some demand it and will make you pay if you don’t give it. We all want it, but most of us have trouble giving it.
Marriage Made in Heaven? Part 10 “Resolving Conflict”
Conflicts and disagreements happen in the best of marriages, but what happens when we aren’t resolving conflict biblically?
Marriage Made in Heaven? Part 9 “Decision Making & 4-Way Stops”
What can a 4-way stop intersection teach us about submission, biblical authority, and decision making within marriage? Watch the video and find out.
Marriage Made in Heaven? Part 8 “Submission, the S-Word”
Submission, it’s the “S-word” that raises our blood pressure and, sometimes, makes us wonder about God’s idea of fairness. What is submission, anyway? Is it unfair to women? Is it unrealistic? Did men come up with the idea as a way to keep women down? Or is it really a biblical concept? If so, what should it look like?
Marriage Made in Heaven? Part 7 “The Wife’s Role”
The Wife’s Role: If there is one aspect of marriage that is often turned upside-down in today’s culture, it’s the roles of husbands and wives. If there’s one issue that is usually part and parcel of marriage conflict, it’s the roles of husbands and wives. If there is one subject that is most often misunderstood, it’s this one.
Marriage Made in Heaven? Part 6 “Weaving 101”
Weaving: We all want intimacy in our marriages. We want our spouses to spend time with us, to consult us about decisions, to share our hopes and dreams, and to encourage us when we’re struggling. We want openness and humility. We want to be treated kindly and to receive grace. Are there things we should be doing and not doing to achieve those things? And, if so, what are they?
Marriage Made in Heaven Part 5 “Weaving”
Today we’ll talk about weaving, two becoming one. This one-flesh relationship includes the sexual aspect of marriage, but it is much more. Wayne Mack in his book Strengthening Your Marriage says, “Marriage is a total commitment and a total sharing of the total person with another person until death.” The marriage act should be a symbol of a more complete oneness.
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