So you met that guy or gal and you thought … “Life was going to be wonderful!” You loved each other, so you were sure everything else would just work out. You knew there would be some adjustments, but you […]
Blended families are everywhere. Maybe your family is a blended or step-family. If so, you know blended families face unique challenges and issues. But while our problems may be unique in their details, the heart issues involved are much the same as those individuals and all families face.
Blended Families Part 1: “The Losses and the Gains” Blended families—they’re everywhere. Maybe your family is a blended or step-family. If so, you know blended families face unique challenges and issues. They also face the everyday problems of living with […]
So What’s Wrong with Living Together? Welcome to Mondays @ Soul Survival. Each week I feature a book that I consider a valuable resource. This week’s selection is one that our world, but more importantly those in the church, […]
There are many books available today on marriage and on how to be the husband or wife that God has called you to be. I’ve read a number of them and, perhaps, so have you. But Martha’s book is different from many of them.
How is your marriage? Is it good? Is it great? Could it use some work or, at least, some fine tuning? Marriages, even good ones, need regular maintenance.
The God Empowered Wife: How Strong Women Can Help Their Husbands Become Godly Leaders Welcome to Mondays @ Soul Survival. Each week I feature a book that I consider a valuable resource. Have you ever found yourself praying, “Dear […]
How to Act Right When Your Spouse Acts Wrong Welcome to Mondays @ Soul Survival. Each week I feature a book that I consider a valuable resource. If you’re married, you have an imperfect marriage. You have a […]
“The Power of Prayer in a Believer’s Life” | Book Review
If you spend hours in prayer each day and your prayer life is always amazing, this post probably isn’t for you. But if like me, you sometimes feel like you’re going through the motions or you don’t always connect with God the way you would like, you might want to keep reading about my favorite book on prayer, The Power of Prayer in a Believer’s Life.
“Preparing to BE Married”
Welcome to Mondays @ Soul Survival. Each week I feature a book that I consider a valuable resource. This week’s selection is Preparing for Marriage by David Boehi, Brent Nelson, Jeff Schulte & Lloyd Shadrach, published by Family Life Ministries. You […]
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