In the book of Isaiah, God said we were created for His glory. One definition for bringing someone glory is to give others the right opinion of that person. How do you look to others? If you claim to be a follower of Christ, do you live in a way that brings Him glory? If, like me, you believe you could do better, here are four ways we can better give others the right opinion of God.
Also, read about what often happens when we try to share our faith with those closest to us and how to keep an eternal perspective instead of being offended by a common reaction.
Welcome, to “God’s Word Day by Day” where I blog through the Bible in a Year. I hope you’ll join me every day. If you’re not already signed up, you can do it here or subscribe on YouTube.
And speaking of YouTube, be sure to check out the new discipleship videos on the channel.
Today’s Readings:
Leviticus 23 & 24
Psalm 28.1-5
Proverbs 10.17-18
Mark 6.1-29
How’s Your Spiritual Curb Appeal?
Leviticus 23 & 24:
Remember God’s Work
As we continue reading through the book of Leviticus, I’m reminded that not only is “all Scripture” profitable to our everyday lives (1 Tim. 3.16-17), but we can begin reading anywhere and glean great, practical truths.
Leviticus 23 gives instructions concerning the feasts that Israel was to celebrate. These feasts acknowledged and helped them remember God’s sovereign work in their lives, just as Easter and Christmas should do for us.
That’s part of the tragedy with the commercialization of those holidays. Easter has become more about bunnies and eggs and less about Christ’s resurrection. Christmas is more about “what will I get” than remembering that the Creator of the Universe humbled Himself to be born in a stable, to be a baby with dirty diapers, to grow to be a boy who respected and obeyed His parents, and finally, to be a man who was willing to be beaten, stripped and crucified for me and you!
But the feasts were, also, about something else.
Does Jesus Really “Occupy” Your Life?
Notice the feasts and the sacrifices involved food: meat and grain, oil and wine, things used in the preparation of a meal. Meals speak of fellowship and communion.
Remember that God repeatedly told His people He desired to dwell with them. And in Revelation 3.20 Jesus said:
Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.
1 Corinthians 6.19 says we are the “temple of the Holy Spirit.” And John 1.14 says that Jesus “became flesh and dwelt among us.” The Old Testament feasts and sacrifices, in part, reminded them that the Creator God wanted to dwell with them.
The word “dwell” comes from a root word meaning “to tent or encamp, to occupy (as a mansion) or to reside as God did in the Tabernacle of old.”
The word “occupy” stood out to me. Do I allow Him to “occupy” my life? Do you? Have we allowed him to take over the whole house or is He expected to stay in the back room most of the time? Do we only acknowledge Him on Sundays? Or do we live with an awareness of His presence all day every day?
The Right Opinion of God, Spiritual Curb Appeal
Then the question becomes, how are you and I doing at living our lives in ways that make Him pleased to be there? Are we going places, watching things, reading things, listening to things, or saying things that grieve the Holy Spirit who lives in us (Eph. 4.30)?
And how does His residence look to others? Real estate agents talk about curb appeal, and how a home looks from the street. How do we look to others? How is our spiritual curb appeal? Do we live in a way that gives others the right opinion of God?
I’m not talking about merely trying to look good to others in a surface kind of way. That’s hypocrisy and people can spot it a mile away. We don’t want to slap a coat of paint on rotten siding or a few shingles on a leaky roof. Instead, how can we allow the Holy Spirit to change us from the inside out so people will be attracted to Christ in us?
God wants a relationship with His people. He wants to live in us and through us, so we can be salt and light to the world. What a privilege and what a responsibility! If a spiritual real estate agent evaluated your life and mine, how would we do? If we think we might come up short, how can we change that? Here are four ways:
4 Ways to Give Others the Right Opinion of God:
- Check out how you look. Look into the mirror of God’s Word (Jas. 1.22-25). You might start with portions of Scripture like Ephesians 4-6 and Colossians 3. Read with an eye to obedience. Do those verses describe your life?
- Love others with Christ’s love. The second great commandment is to love others as you love yourself (Matt. 22.39). 1 Corinthians 13.4-7 says love is patient and kind. It does not envy or brag and is not proud, rude, or selfish. It’s not easily angered and keeps no record of wrongs. And that’s just the first 2 verses! Why not do a little self-examination and see how you’re doing at loving others? Simply read 1 Corinthians 13.4-7 each day and ask yourself questions like: How patient was I today? If I was impatient, did I ask for forgiveness from God? From others? Was I kind? If not, did I ask for forgiveness? Go through the entire passage asking similar questions.
- Learn to be humble. Pride is at the root of many other sins and is horribly unattractive to others. God gives us two basic choices. Humble ourselves or let Him do it for us (Jas. 4.6-10). One way of humbling ourselves is by admitting when we are wrong and being quick to seek forgiveness from God and others.
- Don’t grumble and complain. When we grumble and complain we cannot be light to a dark world (Phil. 2.14-15). Ask God to make you more aware of your grumbling. Or better yet, ask your spouse, your children, or a close friend to remind you when you do. And then humbly accept their criticism.
Salt & Light
This is not an all-inclusive list. You might add some others. But let’s seek to do all we can to give the right opinion of God by how we live, so we can be salt and light to a world that desperately needs Christ!
Today’s Other Readings:
Psalm 28.1-5:
Vengeance Belongs to the Lord
In this Psalm and others, David prayed that God would deal with those who do evil. He recognized that ultimately dealing with evil men was God’s job. In Romans 12.19-21, Paul said:
Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, ‘Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,’ says the Lord. Therefore, ‘If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him a drink; for in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head.’ Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
We are to overcome evil with good and leave justice to God.
That doesn’t mean ignoring serious sin issues. For example, if a man physically abuses his wife, overcoming evil doesn’t mean she silently endures such treatment. She is to forgive him, pray for him, and seek to do good on a personal level. But if she or her children are in danger, she should call the civil authorities (Rom. 13.1-5). She should, also, discuss the issue with her pastor and seek the church’s help to follow the Matthew 18.15-17 process, especially if her husband professes to be a believer.
Proverbs 10.17-18:
Foolish or Wise
He who keeps instruction is in the way of life, but he who refuses correction goes astray. Whoever hides hatred has lying lips, and whoever spreads slander is a fool.
The fool disregards correction, spreads slander, and is deceitful, but a wise man is teachable.
Mark 6.1-29:
With Your Own Family
Have you ever tried to share your love for God with those closest to you, only to be shut down or criticized?
Instead of being excited for you, those you care most about sometimes become angry, calling you “self-righteous” or “goody-two-shoes.” Take heart, you’re in good company!
1 Then [Jesus] went out from there and came to His own country, and His disciples followed Him. 2 And when the Sabbath had come, He began to teach in the synagogue. And many hearing Him were astonished, saying, “Where did this Man get these things? And what wisdom is this which is given to Him, that such mighty works are performed by His hands! 3 Is this not the carpenter, the Son of Mary, and brother of James, Joses, Judas, and Simon? And are not His sisters here with us?” So they were offended at Him’
4 But Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own country, among his own relatives, and in his own house.” 5 Now He could do no mighty work there, except that He laid His hands on a few sick people and healed them. 6 And He marveled because of their unbelief. Then He went about the villages in a circuit, teaching (Mk. 6.1-6).
Keeping an Eternal Perspective
Eventually, many who rejected Him as Messiah called for His death. But as He hung on that cross, He said, “Father, forgive them …” That should be our attitude as well. Paul said:
Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory. (Col. 3.2-4).
When we understand that our lives are hidden in Christ and that we will spend eternity with Him, we can forgive those who persecute us. We can choose to overcome evil with good and turn the other cheek when offended. And we can pray that those who hurt us will come out of the snare of the devil who holds them captive (2 Tim. 2.26). And in the meantime, we should continue to give those we love the right opinion of God by how we live and respond to their rejection.
So, let’s keep an eternal perspective. Their eternity may hang in the balance.
If You’re Struggling with Anxiety:
If you’re struggling with anxiety or know someone who is, you might want to check out this series:
Introduction: Winning the Battle over Anxiety
Worship & God’s Kingdom: Winning the Battle over Anxiety Part 2
Prayer, Put-Offs & Put-Ons: Winning the Battle over Anxiety Part 3
Fear Versus Love: Winning the Battle over Anxiety Part 4
Trust in the Lord: Winning the Battle over Anxiety – Part 5
Rest & Remember: Winning the Battle over Anxiety Part 6
Coming Up:
In the coming days, we’ll talk about friendship and ways to enjoy true abundance.
I hope you’ll join us and if this post spoke to you, please share it on your favorite social media platform.
Blessings as you grow in Christ,
Donna ♥
What Is Your Plan to Grow Spiritually This Year?
I hope you’re reading through the Bible with me or you have another reading plan in place. If not, you can sign up for my daily email or subscribe here for the YouTube version.
Following along with me can help you stay on track. And I believe you’ll benefit from the additional information I share and grow as you learn to apply God’s Word to your own life.
Another way that we grow in our Bible knowledge and our ability to share our faith is through discipleship.
Here’s our most recent discipleship lesson and below it, you’ll find today’s Bible in a Year video.
Note about this post:
I began blogging through the Bible in 2012 and have done so every year since then. These posts are the product of many edits and additions throughout those years. Some days I make major changes, other days fewer.
A while ago, I read Jen Wilkin’s book None Like Him about the attributes of God. One is His incomprehensibility. In it, she says, “God is incomprehensible. This does not mean that he is unknowable, but that he is unable to be fully known.”
I have found that to be true each year as I’ve gone back through the Bible. Sometimes I find myself feeling as if a passage just appeared there for the first time. I’m reminded that no matter how many times we read through the Bible, we have only scratched the surface. I hope you feel the same.
Indeed these are the mere edges of His ways,
And how small a whisper we hear of Him!
But the thunder of His power who can understand?” (Job 26.14)
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