While adultery is not the unforgivable sin, the effects of adultery are devastating. Whether someone is the perpetrator or the victim, lives are turned upside-down. Maybe it’s happened to you. If you’re the one who was sinned against, you know those things to be true. But what if you’re the one who committed adultery? Or what if you’re struggling with the temptation now?
The latest statistics I could find say the rate of divorce in the US is about 40-50%, but I’ve discovered that statistics are hard to pin down. Some say the rate of divorce has dropped in the last decade and that as high as 70% of marriages make it to their 15th year. If that’s true, what about the 30 or 40% who don’t? And is it possible that the divorce rate is going down because many couples simply live together without marrying?
What does the Bible say about divorce? Is it allowable to divorce because we’re not happy or no longer in love? Is it okay to divorce if we realize we are unequally yoked? Are there biblical grounds for divorce? And one final question, why is it so important for singles to understand these principles, too?
Is there any such thing in the Bible as an “adultery test”? And, if so, what would an Old Testament law about jealousy and possible adultery have to do with us?
Actually, the Bible has a great deal to say about adultery and other forms of sexual immorality. We’re told to not even have an appearance of evil (Eph. 5.3) and Proverbs 31.11 says to us wives, “The heart of her husband safely trusts her …” But the same principles apply to men, as well as, women. Read more about the adultery test in today’s reading.
And when we’re tempted to think adultery has nothing to do with us, we should remember that all of us should be in the business of protecting our marriages from any and every attack of the enemy. What precautions can we take to do that? Are there “freedoms” we should be willing to forsake for the good of our marriages?
Welcome to Mondays @ Soul Survival. Each week I feature a book that I consider a valuable resource. This week’s selection is Picking Up the Pieces: Recovering from Broken Relationships by Lou Priolo. Divorce, separation, adulterous or unhealthy relationships and break-ups...