“The Just Shall Live by Faith Even in the Hardest of Times” December 23
During the Tribulation, the final Antichrist will rise to power. All those who want to buy and sell will be required to wear his name or his number 666 on their right hand or foreheads. And all who dwell on the earth will be deceived into worshiping him, except those whose names are written in the Book of Life of the Lamb. It will seem that he has free reign to do evil and get away with it.
The prophet Habakkuk felt the same way about the enemies of Israel in his day. And we may feel that way today as we watch our nation and the world spiraling downward morally and spiritually while evil men and women appear unrestrained, even celebrated. But there will come a day when God will judge the wicked and in the meantime, God reminds us that “the just shall live by faith.”