“The Cost of Doing Right & the Cancel Culture” June 6
The cost of doing right can be an expensive one and it may become more so in the years to come. It’s part of what has become known as the cancel culture.
At times, it means risking friendships and popularity. It might mean the loss of a job or business, a social media platform, or a reputation from the world’s perspective. Sometimes it means the risk of legal action. Some believers must risk their very lives to serve and obey God.
The question is, are we willing? Are we willing to trust God? Are we willing the risk the cost of doing what is right?
We not only need to be willing to stand up for righteousness ourselves but we need friends who will speak the truth to us. Too often we choose people who will tell us what we want to hear, not what we need to hear. Many people, especially unbelievers, actually hate the truth. They will attack anyone who challenges them on their behavior or lifestyles. But we need to be careful not to fall into subtle forms of the same reaction.