Who are the influencers in your life … who captivates your attention … who do you hang out with? What do you spend your time reading and listening to? And what do the answers to those questions have to do with where you have put your treasure? Before you answer … you might want to read today’s post!
Also, whether you are married or single, how contented are you? How can discontent in this area, especially if you are single, lead to disaster?
The Bible is the unpopular truth to many today. Those who believe it are ridiculed and accused of unloving behavior and attitudes. Many demand that instead we “give hardy approval” to the sinful things they do. Some who refuse have been sued or threatened with fines and other legal action. Freedom of religion is fast being replaced with a demand for the freedom “to do whatever I please.”
So, how does God expect us to respond? Are we to compromise in an attempt to hold on to whatever rights we still have? And how should we pray in these difficult times?