I hope I’m not the only one who falls so easily into the trap of grumbling and complaining. After all, it seems like such a little thing! And, let’s face it, there are plenty of things to gripe about. Yet, in reality, we’re not just complaining about our circumstances or other people, but against our Sovereign God. We’re called to shine the light into a dark world, but it’s hard to be shining when we’re whining!
So, what should we be doing? And what is the ultimate answer to the things we gripe about?
What do our clothing and behavior say about us? Does our freedom in Christ mean we have a right to dress any way we choose? If men have a problem with it, is that their problem? What about off-color language? Is it simply part of life in today’s world? And what, if anything, do modesty and discretion have to do with pig’s noses?
Today, we’ll also look at what it mean to worship God, how our whining affects our children, why God did not allow Moses to go into the Promised Land, and why we should pay our taxes.
Over the last few years, we have seen more than our share of protests. In fact, as Americans, we have a tradition of protest and, certainly, some protest is healthy.
But many of today’s protests have taken on an ugly, finger-pointing, refusal-to-even-listen-to-the-other-side tone. It’s one thing to protest genuine injustice, especially when it’s in defense of those who are least able to defend themselves, but have many of our protests turned into the kind that God will judge?
Even if we’re on the side of truth, have our attitudes toward those with whom we disagree become displeasing to the Lord? If so, what should we do and how should we respond to those who protest against, even attack, our stand for God and His righteousness?