Do you want to grow spiritually? Do you know someone else you’d like to see grow spiritually?
Matthew 28.19-20 says we are all to go and make disciples and to teach others how to live the Christian life. That often involves us growing, too.
So, how can the average person live out Matthew 28.19-20, also called the Great Commission? Watch the video to learn about an easy-to-use resource that can help you do that.
Do you want to grow spiritually? Do you know someone else you’d like to see grow spiritually?
Matthew 28.19-20 says we are all to go and make disciples and to teach others how to live the Christian life. That often involves us growing, too.
So, how can the average person live out Matthew 28.19-20, also called the Great Commission? Watch the video to learn about an easy-to-use resource that can help you do that.
Do you want to grow spiritually? Do you know someone else you’d like to see grow spiritually?
Matthew 28.19-20 says we are all to go and make disciples and to teach others how to live the Christian life. That often involves us growing, too.
So, how can the average person live out Matthew 28.19-20, also called the Great Commission? Watch the video to learn about an easy-to-use resource that can help you do that.
Discipleship is the process of growing in faith and spiritual maturity through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. It is a lifelong commitment to learning and growing that happens through regular prayer, Bible study, and being part of a Christian community. It includes learning to share the gospel with others and helping them grow, too, all an essential part of the Great Commission.
God had chosen the nation of Israel to be the people through whom He would bring the promised Messiah. But He also wanted them to be a nation of priests and prophets who pointed others to the one true God. They were to be His missionary nation.
They not only failed to be His light to the world but instead followed the pagan nations around them into darkness. Now they were faced with His judgment.
Today it’s us, the church, who are to be salt and light. It won’t always be easy. Salt sometimes stings and darkness doesn’t like the light, but both are desperately needed. Will we be children of light or be swallowed up by the darkness?
Just as we should not put off getting our lives right with God initially, neither should we put off obeying God in the ongoing day-to-day areas of our lives. Find out why delayed obedience = disobedience.
And if you’re struggling to obey in some area, you’ll also find out where you can turn to for help and a list of some of my most frequently used and most helpful resources. These resources can help you or someone you know grow and walk in more faithful obedience.
In the first century, a small army of believers turned the known world upside down in a matter of a few years without TV, radio, or mass media. They simply believed in the power of the gospel to change lives and the Holy Spirit working through them. And they did it in the face of intense opposition.
Today our world is being turned upside down but not by the gospel. How should we respond? What can we do? What is the ultimate answer? These are questions that haunt many of us.
In today’s post, you’ll also read about:
One of the greatest evils in our nation and our accountability before God.
And finally, we’ll look at one of the greatest prayers ever recorded. It was prayed by a man who fell short like us, but who understood where to turn for help.
If you’re like most Christians, you have thought about reading through the Bible. Maybe you have tried in the past but quit somewhere along the line. Or maybe you have done it successfully … perhaps numerous times.
Why is it so important? Can’t we get everything we need by going to church, reading a verse or two each day, and listening to podcasts here and there? Isn’t it just too time-consuming? One more thing on a long to-do list? And if we make that commitment, how do we press through when it’s tempting to give up?
Please keep reading. I’d like to answer those questions and offer you one more way to help make this your year to read the Bible from start to finish.
This year is fast drawing to a close and many of us are thinking about our resolutions for the new year. We’ll set goals for eating better and using that gym membership. We may set family goals and financial or career goals. But let’s not neglect the most important area of life … our spiritual life. One valuable goal is to read through the Bible.
But … why read through the Bible? Can’t we get everything we need by going to church, reading a verse or two each day, and listening to podcasts here and there? Isn’t it just too time-consuming? One more thing on a long to-do list?
Or what if you’ve tried in the past, only to fall behind and give up? How can you do it successfully in the coming year? Are there some strategies that can help?