Are you tempted with discouragement? Do you feel like caving in or giving up? Do the news reports and other things going on around you have you anxious and worried? Maybe it’s your family’s finances and the general uncertainty of life? Maybe it’s health concerns, family problems, or something else. Or maybe it’s your own unsettled heart. What does God’s word say about discouragement and what will help?
In today’s post … we’ll talk about those times when you feel worn down and discouraged by your circumstances. Maybe you’re exhausted from dealing with a strong-willed child, a difficult marriage, or some other family issue. Maybe you have suffered a devastating loss over the past year and the holidays were especially difficult. You may have lost a job or had some other financial setback. Or maybe you’re worried about rising costs or a medical diagnosis.
You may be so discouraged you’re tempted to give up altogether. How do you keep going when life seems so full of challenges?
It’s hard not to be discouraged when our faith is under attack, our nation seems to be changing at warp speed, evil is called good, and good evil. While we have reasons for concern, could our discouragement point to something deeper?
Are you discouraged? Or do you know someone who is? Even those of us who know and walk with God can get exhausted, disappointed, and discouraged. We may be discouraged over our own or someone else’s progress with God. We can, also, be discouraged and disappointed with God’s answers or lack of answers to our prayers. And most of us, probably, find it hard not to be discouraged over what has been going on in our nation. Other times we can be just plain tired. And fatigue, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual, can give us a warped sense of reality.
Elijah had just witnessed one of the most incredible and dramatic moves of God. But in today’s reading, he has decided he is the only one left serving God, that those in charge are going to kill him, and that God isn’t really working at all. In short, he is having a big pity party. He is so discouraged that he asks God to kill him. Instead, God gave him what he really needed. We often need the same thing when we’re depressed and ready to give up.
Are you faced with a problem that you don’t understand? I know I’ve got a few. There are relationship issues that haven’t sorted themselves out and some doors that are shut for no logical reason. There are questions with no obvious answers, family members who have been hurt unnecessarily, and challenges I wish weren’t there. How about you? How can we face those things without losing our faith and trust in God? And could they actually be God’s protection in some way?
Depression, if you’ve ever suffered with it, you know it can be a dark, discouraging place to be. At its worst, it’s been called the “dark night of the soul.” But there is hope for those experiencing discouragement, depression, and hopelessness.
Today we’ll start looking at people in biblical times who experienced feelings of