Frogs … they’re everywhere! … in their homes, in their beds, in their bowls, in their ovens—everywhere! Yet, when Moses, God’s messenger, comes to Pharaoh and asks when he’d like them removed, he says, “Tomorrow.” Almost as if he were saying, “Just let me spend one more night with those frogs.” How about you? Are there any frogs you’re keeping around for another sleepover?
Do you need to perform some radical surgery before something in your life causes you to sin? Do you need to take a scalpel to some habit or attitude or set some boundaries to protect your marriage or someone else’s? And on the subject of marriage, what does the Bible say about divorce? Is it ever allowable? What if you’re just not happy or you have fallen out of love? What does God say about these very real issues? Jesus addressed all these things in the “Sermon on the Mount” in today’s New Testament reading.
Are you struggling with any of these questions and concerns or do you know someone else who is? The Bible encourages us to seek help and godly counsel when necessary. So, is it possible a biblical counselor could help? Find out more about what biblical counselors do and how it could be just what you or someone else needs.
What does the Bible say about marriage and divorce? Is divorce always forbidden? What about remarriage, singleness, and sex, both inside and outside of marriage? Does the Bible really address those subjects and, if so, does it have any relevance for today?
Also, in the book of Job, God talks about many of the amazing animals He created: the horse with all his strength and fearlessness, the hawk, the eagle, and a huge sea creature called Leviathan.
In fact, He dedicated an entire chapter, 34 verses, to this creature called Leviathan. Was he a giant reptile, possibly a dinosaur? And what was the point of it all?
Finally, our Proverbs passage talks about the drunkard and how, even after a hangover, he runs to look for his next drink. The world wants us to believe he can’t help it, that it’s a disease called alcoholism, but what does the Bible say?
The latest statistics I could find say the rate of divorce in the US is about 40-50%, but I’ve discovered that statistics are hard to pin down. Some say the rate of divorce has dropped in the last decade and that as high as 70% of marriages make it to their 15th year. If that’s true, what about the 30 or 40% who don’t? And is it possible that the divorce rate is going down because many couples simply live together without marrying?
What does the Bible say about divorce? Is it allowable to divorce because we’re not happy or no longer in love? Is it okay to divorce if we realize we are unequally yoked? Are there biblical grounds for divorce? And one final question, why is it so important for singles to understand these principles, too?
Blended Families Part 1: “The Losses and the Gains” Blended families—they’re everywhere. Maybe your family is a blended or step-family. If so, you know blended families face unique challenges and issues. They also face the everyday problems of living with...
Welcome to Mondays @ Soul Survival. Each week I feature a book that I consider a valuable resource. This week’s selection is Picking Up the Pieces: Recovering from Broken Relationships by Lou Priolo. Divorce, separation, adulterous or unhealthy relationships and break-ups...
It’s easy to condemn and criticize out of hand what is now accepted, condoned, even mandated, especially when it comes to homosexuality, trans-gender issues, and sexual immorality, in general. And as believers, we should be concerned about the changes in...