When people are asked whether they believe they will go to heaven and why, what is the most frequent answer? Why is their belief such a dangerous one? And what about after we’re saved, what keeps us right with God? Is it right living or something else?
Do you truly understand what is meant by the gospel? If you died tonight, do you know that you would go to heaven, or do you have doubts about where you will spend eternity? And what can you do if you’re not sure? These are important questions! Please don’t leave your eternity to chance!
What do believers need to remember as we share the gospel with our friends and family?
Can you or I lose our salvation? Many people believe if you have walked an aisle, prayed a prayer, were baptized, or fulfilled some other requirement, that’s it. You’re in! Others say we can lose our salvation through sin or neglect. But is there another consideration?
What about you personally? Do you have doubts about your relationship with God? If you died tonight, do you know beyond a doubt where you would spend eternity? Or do you lack assurance of your salvation?