Trusting God in an uncertain world … Is it even possible?
Jesus warned believers there would be a time when wars, earthquakes, famines, and other disasters would be more and more common. He compared them to birth pains, getting stronger and more frequent as the delivery approaches. He went on to warn of persecution and betrayal, even from members of our own families.
We live in a world of uncertainty today. Biblical morality is coming under increasing criticism. It’s attacked and condemned as mean-spirited, self-righteous, homophobic and worse. Religious liberties are being threatened and it will probably get worse.
We can add to that list of uncertainties the continued concerns over COVID-19 and future pandemics and the repercussions of long term shut downs.
So, how can we stay faithful and continue trusting God in a changing, uncertain world?
Isaac’s twins, Jacob and Esau, grew up to be two very different men. Esau was a hunter and a man’s man. Jacob, it seems, was a mama’s boy and a homebody. Each of their parents favored one son over the other. Their favoritism would lead to serious issues in the family. But Esau had bigger problems. With complete disregard for the blessings of God, he would give away his birthright for some instant gratification. How can we be sure we never do the same thing?
During the Tribulation, the final Antichrist will rise to power. All those who want to buy and sell will be required to wear his name or his number 666 on their right hand or foreheads. And all who dwell on the earth will be deceived into worshiping him, except those whose names are written in the Book of Life of the Lamb. It will seem that he has free reign to do evil and get away with it.
The prophet Habakkuk felt the same way about the enemies of Israel in his day. And we may feel that way today as we watch our nation and the world spiraling downward morally and spiritually while evil men and women appear unrestrained, even celebrated. But there will come a day when God will judge the wicked and in the meantime, God reminds us that “the just shall live by faith.”
What does it take to live the Christian life? Is there a key, something so essential that we can’t please God without it? In fact, there is. It’s required for salvation and for our ongoing trust in God. That key is faith. So, if faith is so important, where does it come from and how can we strengthen it when it’s weak? The answer is simpler than you think.
Trusting God during tough times can be one of the most difficult challenges we face. How do we continue to trust Him when He doesn’t seem to be answering our prayers, when a child isn’t getting better, when finances still seem impossible, or when the doctor hands us a bad report? Where do we find hope? What will we believe about God during those tough times? And if we’re not in the middle of a challenging season, what can we do to be ready for them when they come?
Recently we’ve talked about how to have peace in place of the anxiety and distress so many are facing today. We also looked at various kinds of legalism, including how it might look in our parenting, how some of our politicians are too much like one of Israel’s kings, the test of genuine faith and so much more.
A quick scan of the links below will show you the wide variety of subjects we’ve covered. There are links to the posts here on the website and to the YouTube version.
Recently we’ve talked about how to have peace in place of the anxiety and distress so many are facing today. We also looked at various kinds of legalism, including how it might look in our parenting, how some of our politicians are too much like one of Israel’s kings, the test of genuine faith and so much more.
A quick scan of the links below will show you the wide variety of subjects we’ve covered. There are links to the posts here on the website and to the YouTube version.
Are you bold enough to ask God for a double portion of His power in your life? Why do you or I neglect to say as Isaiah did, “Send me!” or like Elisha, “Please give me a double portion, Lord!” Is it out of a false sense of humility, fear, or something else?
David was at his wits’ end. Even his own men had turned against him. Yet he wasn’t at his faith’s end. Instead, David strengthened himself in the Lord.
What can we learn from David about how to strengthen ourselves in the Lord? What should we remember about God’s sovereignty, goodness, justice, and mercy? And how might God be using our challenges for good so that, as Romans 8.29 says, we can become more like Christ?
Music has the power to do good and evil. The songs we sing can be powerful tools for teaching, persuading, and helping us remember things. They can trigger the imagination and stir our hearts.
Have you ever heard a song and been quickly taken back to a different time? And how many childhood songs do you remember 20, 30, or 40 years later? Why is music so powerful?
What kind of music do you listen to? Does it help you walk closer to God? Or does it draw you into the world? What kind of worship music do you sing? Does it make much of God or much of man? Why are the songs we sing so important?