“How to Teach Your Children the Real Meaning of Easter” March 19
Easter and Holy Week are just around the corner. And our world has never needed to understand what Jesus accomplished through His death, burial, and resurrection more than it does now. But sadly, bunnies and Easter baskets often overshadow the immensity of what happened at the Cross two thousand plus years ago.
Helping the next generation understand the basics of the Christian faith, and gain an understanding of sin, redemption, the gospel, and salvation is so important. While I don’t want to make light of the importance of good children and youth ministries, in some cases, children’s church or Sunday school has been reduced to Bible stories, a craft, and a snack. Children make professions of faith without a genuine understanding of their own sinfulness and the power of the gospel to save them.
Then they, too often, graduate into a youth ministry that is more concerned with pizza and entertainment than with growing young people into the image of Christ and preparing them for schools, universities, and the world in general that are all designed to undermine any religious convictions they might have.
But studies have shown that the influence of parents can make a huge difference. So, we must find time to teach our children and help them develop their own faith and devotional habits. Why not take some time with your family to read about the events leading up to that first Easter Sunday? Perhaps today’s post can serve as a starting point.