“Is It Good Advice or What You Want to Hear?” July 7
Good advice and biblical truth aren’t always comfortable or pleasing to our sinful, selfish nature, but it’s the truth that will deliver us from the consequences of foolishness and sin. Bad advice, on the other hand, often tickles our ears and gives us the “go ahead” to do what we really want to do. So, how can we be sure we’re getting good advice?
And from our Old Testament reading:
During Solomon’s reign, prosperity was so great that silver was worth little more than stones. Yet, Solomon learned the hard way, that prosperity without the right focus on God is empty.
We see evidence of that all over the news these days. If wealth. beauty, fame, and success could bring peace and joy, Hollywood should be the happiest place on earth. And yet, its elites often go from one partner to another, from one “high” to another, with few finding true peace and satisfaction.
But it isn’t just Solomon and Hollywood’s elite who need to learn that truth!
And, finally, did each of us come into the kingdom for such a time as this?