Family feuds can be some of the most difficult to settle, yet God places a high priority on unity and peace within our biological families and within the family of God.
Sometimes that can be challenging to achieve in the midst of family feuds and misunderstandings. And there are times when we do all we can to be at peace with someone but the other person simply won’t. There can, also, be times when choosing what might look like peace is really a compromise at the cost of truth and righteousness.
Do you ever feel like you’re stuck in your Christian walk? Do you look around and see other believers growing spiritually, experiencing peace and joy, being used in various areas of ministry … and wonder why it’s not you? Are you tempted to believe it’s because of your difficult marriage, because your spouse is not a believer, because you’re still single, because of your parents, or because of another person or circumstance? None of us is immune to those feelings. But could there be another reason and could making some adjustments in your thinking actually cause you to start growing exponentially?
We all know forgiveness is important. In fact, if we have been a believer for any length of time we know that God commands us to forgive. But sometimes, we just don’t know how to do it.
So what is forgiveness? Does it require us to forget or to act like the hurt or the sin never happened? What does it mean to forgive as God forgives us?
Maybe you have questions, too. I hope to answer some of them in the next two posts.
We’ve all heard it, read it, and probably been told it at some time or another: “Just forgive!” Or sometimes it is put in more secular terms: “Get over it!” Those of us who are walking with the Lord know we...