“What Is the ‘Whole Counsel of God’ & Why Is It So Important?” December 10
It didn’t take long. Less than 70 years into church history and there were already those who wanted to water down the Word of God and the call to personal holiness. And others who wanted to add things to the requirements for salvation and Christian living. Nothing much has changed. There are still those who distort the gospel truths. Instead, we’re to teach and understand the whole counsel of God. In 25 verses Jude’s epistle called believers to contend for the truth. It still does today.
Sadly, many still prefer to teach only the easy-to-swallow parts … those things that don’t make anyone uncomfortable or the Christian life seem too hard and others who claim that something else is necessary.
How about you? Are you contending for the truth and seeking to understand the whole counsel of God? And why is doing so as important as ever?