It has been a while since I’ve done a newsletter and round-up of what’s been going on and we have covered a lot of ground over the last few months.Recently we’ve talked about honoring imperfect parents, even those who have...
What causes laziness? What does the Bible say about laziness? Is it a choice or could it be a self-esteem issue or something else altogether?
How and when does laziness show up in your life? In the physical area? With mental pursuits? Or maybe with spiritual things? And when we spot laziness in our lives, what should we do?
And most important of all, how does the gospel intersect this area and every area with which we struggle?
And from our Old Testament reading:
The devil has always sought to destroy what God loves. Proverbs says, “… All those who hate me [God] love death.”
Pagan religions frequently involve human sacrifice or behaviors that result in sickness, death, and destruction. And while the devil may seem less obvious in developed countries like ours, has ours become a culture of death, too?
This year is drawing to a close and many of us are thinking about our desires and goals for 2023. By the time you read this, we may have already turned the calendar. With all the turmoil and instability over the last few years, most of us want more peace, more joy, and more confidence in the future. Are we at the mercy of the government or the economy or the culture around us if we’re to have those things? Or is it possible that the right goals and habits can play a big part? If so, what kind of goals and habits?