“As Sure as the Handwriting on the Wall” December 1
In today’s reading from Daniel, God’s judgment on Babylon’s King Belshazzar was announced in a very dramatic way. A disjointed man’s hand suddenly appeared and wrote on the wall. History tells us the pronouncement in “the handwriting on the wall” was carried out that very night.
God’s Word may not suddenly appear on the walls of our government. It may not appear on the walls of our homes or businesses, but it’s just as sure in our lives and the world at large.
Today’s New Testament reading warns of God’s judgment, too. This time against false teachers. Their doctrines are man-centered and appeal to the flesh and our selfish nature. No wonder they are still popular today. Yet, because they are often mixed with truth, their lies can seem plausible. But they will pull us away from knowing God as He really is and often shipwreck our faith. So, we need to be able to recognize them.