Not all idolatry is characterized by the worship of statues and even when it is, there are idols of the heart at play, as well. We might say they are the idols behind the idols.
God warned the nation of Israel over and over to repent and turn from their idolatry. Their refusal to do so took them into captivity and cost them the loss of their land, their homes, their freedom, and often their families. The consequences of idolatry are just as devastating today! So, how can we know if we have idols of the heart?
Social media and the internet, love them or hate them, they are here to stay. The real question is, how will we use them? We can all think of ways they can be used for good but is it possible that they can, also, impact our worship? If so, we need to find out how so we can avoid it.
The top 10 most read posts for 2021. They cover a wide range of subjects from dinosaurs to divorce and from trials to why we can trust God and everything in between.
And last … this week’s happenings on Soul Survival.
Welcome to Mondays @ Soul Survival. Each week I feature a book that I consider a valuable resource. This week’s selection is Gospel Treason: Betraying the Gospel With Hidden Idols by Brad Bigney. The Bible talks a lot about idols...