Over the last few years, we have seen more than our share of protests. In fact, as Americans, we have a tradition of protest and, certainly, some protest is healthy.
But many of today’s protests have taken on an ugly, finger-pointing, refusal-to-even-listen-to-the-other-side tone. It’s one thing to protest genuine injustice, especially when it’s in defense of those who are least able to defend themselves, but have many of our protests turned into the kind that God will judge?
Even if we’re on the side of truth, have our attitudes toward those with whom we disagree become displeasing to the Lord? If so, what should we do and how should we respond to those who protest against, even attack, our stand for God and His righteousness?
Do you ever feel like you’re stretched too thin? Has over-commitment become a way of life for you? Do you find yourself irritable, impatient, angry, or full of stress because other people, maybe even God, seem to be standing in the way of your agenda? Could your frustration and stress come from two common problems?
Do you struggle with what seems like unanswered prayer? Maybe you’ve been deeply hurt, possibly by someone close to you. Or maybe it’s a financial trial, a serious illness or a loss. Whatever it is, you feel like you’ve been crying out to God for help with no relief in sight. The psalmist in today’s reading expressed the same feelings. How can understanding his prayer help you and me?
Also, read about Joseph and how he is a “type of Christ.” A type is a picture (like the old “tintype,” pictures taken during the 1800s). In this case, a picture of Christ, a glimpse into God’s heart and the character of our Savior. What exactly does that mean and how should his example inspire us today?
Have you ever felt like you are wrestling with God? In Genesis 32, Jacob did just that. What was it all about? Did Jacob “win” a wrestling match with God? And why did he go away with a permanent limp?
Also, why would Jacob’s wife Rachel, after seeing all that God had done for her family, steal pagan idols from her father? And how did she use the fact that it was “that time of the month” to cover her sin? Is it possible we ladies do much the same thing?
In our Old Testament reading, we’ll continue through the book of Genesis with Abram as the central character. Even through he is called the Father of Faith, we’ll see the struggle he had to take God at His Word when circumstances didn’t make sense. And in the New Testament, we’ll continue reading through “The Sermon on the Mount” and talk about what we treasure and what Jesus had to say about worry.
Do you ever feel inadequate or frustrated with your prayer life? If so, you’re not alone. It appears even the disciples wanted more when they said, “Lord, teach us to pray.” In our New Testament reading, we’ll talk about Jesus’ outline for prayer and how we can use it during our devotional time, along with another help that can lead to a more consistent, satisfying prayer life. We’ll also talk about our motives for praying and other things we do.
From our Old Testament reading check out “How Do You Evaluate Opportunities?” See how not to make decisions and some ways to evaluate opportunities.
Also, today, “The Joy of Spiritual Prosperity,” “The Fear of God,” and “The Importance of Forgiveness.”
Are you involved in what God is doing in the earth today? We can all be by praying for His will, for revival in the hearts of His children, for the unsaved, and for our leaders. Or we can run the risk of acting like Christian fatalists passively waiting for God to do what He’ll do.
Also read about praying for our enemies, the result of not parenting God’s way, and the importance of walking in the light.
Most people would agree that the current state of our nation’s government is one of a broken system. But there’s little agreement about how to fix it. People on one side think we need to tear down the whole thing. Others say we need to get back to what they believe are the basics of our constitutional foundations.
Though there may be huge theological and political differences, there are people on both sides of the issue who sincerely believe they are right. But as Christians, is there actually a more radical plan that we should be praying for and working toward?
What is it about the Bible? How is it different from any other book? Why have so many tried to destroy it and why is it so vilified today? And for us personally, why does it have the ability to both pierce and warm our hearts in a way nothing else can?
But we don’t just have a unique book, we have the unique privilege of coming into the throne room of God. What can we hope to find when we come into that throne room? Should we expect judgment and begrudging answers? Or can we expect something quite different?
How can we pray when it’s hard to pray? When we experience times of trouble and need God most, we often find it hardest to pray. Our emotions are all over the place. Words don’t come. Yet, God understands and left us many road maps to follow during those times. Today’s reading in Psalms has one example.
We’ll, also, look at a verse in Proverbs that could have been written about our turbulent political times. And we’ll take a closer look at Ezekiel’s puzzling vision of four living creatures and wheels within wheels and what it all means.