Many people claim to believe in God. But merely believing “in” God is not enough to save us. James said, “even the demons believe—and tremble”? We are saved when we believe in the gospel. So, what’s the difference?
Also, Ezekiel was called to be a watchman for the nation of Israel and to warn them of coming judgment. We, too, are watchmen called to warn our generation of their need to repent and believe the gospel.
Do you have genuine saving faith? Do you have confidence that if you should die tonight, you would spend eternity with God? Jesus and the Apostles warned us that there are those who may come to church, listen to the Word preached, and even make some moral changes in their lives, but who do not have saving faith and have not had the kind of internal heart change that we call conversion. They have not been born-again by the Spirit of God.
Also, as David’s story continues to unfold in 2 Samuel, we see the foolishness of thinking we can sin in secret and that our sins won’t affect anyone but us. David had set in motion laws of sowing and reaping and the sad results were happening before his eyes in the lives of his own children. This should drive us to our knees to pray for God’s wisdom in our own parenting.