Today we’ll finish our Old Testament reading with the little book of Malachi. Though it’s little in size, it’s not little in spiritual truth. Malachi’s words challenge us to give God our best, not what is left over, whether that means our finances, time, talent, or some other resource.
So, how can we purpose in our hearts to give God our best in the coming year? How can we bring Him glory in all we do and honor Him in our marriages, our singleness, or whatever our situation?
Then our final passage in Proverbs pictures “the virtuous or excellent wife.” We’ll look at how an ancient description speaks to us today.
Finally, as you read the last 2 chapters of Revelation, allow John’s vision of the glories to come to excite your heart!
Do you feel like God could never use you? That you don’t have what it takes?
Too often we look at others and wish we had their gifts and talents. We think about our mistakes, our education or lack of, our family history and we wonder … how could God use me? I hope you’ll take some time to read today’s Old Testament passages and think about who God used here.
I hope you will also consider whether there is something you need to do or something you need to leave behind so you can be used by God more.
And, as we start the gospel of John, we’ll talk about the God who “invaded” history.
What is God’s will for your life? For mine? I wonder how many times we have asked or, at least, thought about that question? Today we’ll look at some things we can be sure are God’s will for us. We will, also, discover some questions and principles that can guide us in decisions where God’s will is not as clearly spelled out. These principles can be applied even in those gray areas with which believers struggle.