What is it about the Bible? How is it different from any other book? Why have so many tried to destroy it and why is it so vilified today? And for us personally, why does it have the ability to both pierce and warm our hearts in a way nothing else can?
But we don’t just have a unique book, we have the unique privilege of coming into the throne room of God. What can we hope to find when we come into that throne room? Should we expect judgment and begrudging answers? Or can we expect something quite different?
The Bible is not a series of books about God. It is one book, penned by numerous human authors, and inspired by God. It is His-story told through His continuing revelation of Himself to mankind. The more you read it, the more you see how the books, the prophesies, the stories, and the letters fit together like the pieces of a puzzle. In today’s O.T. reading Zechariah prophesied hundreds of years earlier about many of the things Jesus showed John in the book of Revelation.
And in our New Testament reading, as we continue through the book of Revelation, we learn about two final judgments. One day every person will stand before God at one of them: “the great white throne judgment” or “the judgment seat of Christ.” Where will you stand?