“The Most Important Goal for Next Year” December 21
What is the most important goal or resolution we can make for the coming year? Many believe we should resolve to do things that make us happy. Others say we should set goals that will help us be more successful. Perhaps you have a goal to lose weight, get healthier, spend more time with family, achieve better results in your career, or something else. But is there a goal that should be the goal for every believer every year?
If you’re a follower of Christ you might think that goal involves things like going to church, reading your Bible, doing good deeds, giving more, or praying more faithfully. But is there a bigger goal, one that may include those things, but begins in the heart? What should the goal be for a believer?
And in our reading from Revelation, we meet the two witnesses. With fire to devour their enemies, the power to shut heaven, turn water to blood, and strike the earth with plagues, they will warn, preach, and prophesy during the first half of the Tribulation. But what happens after their death is even more shocking.