Marriage Made in Heaven? 3 “Leaving, Cleaving & Weaving”
Leaving, cleaving, weaving: Often, when a couple is struggling in their marriage, it can be traced back to a failure to obey God in one or more of these areas.
Leaving, cleaving, weaving: Often, when a couple is struggling in their marriage, it can be traced back to a failure to obey God in one or more of these areas.
Weaving: We all want intimacy in our marriages. We want our spouses to spend time with us, to consult us about decisions, to share our hopes and dreams, and to encourage us when we’re struggling. We want openness and humility. We want to be treated kindly and to receive grace. Are there things we should be doing and not doing to achieve those things? And, if so, what are they?
Today we’ll talk about weaving, two becoming one. This one-flesh relationship includes the sexual aspect of marriage, but it is much more. Wayne Mack in his book Strengthening Your Marriage says, “Marriage is a total commitment and a total sharing of the total person with another person until death.” The marriage act should be a symbol of a more complete oneness.
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