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Serving God well in our anti-Christian culture can be challenging. We live in a world where many things that were once almost universally condemned are now celebrated. Christian values like virtue, morality, and even common sense are ridiculed. Those who stand up for God's standard can become a target themselves. But we must choose ... will we fear God or fear man in the increasingly anti-Christian culture in which we live?
We were made to worship. And we all worship something. When we refuse to worship the One true God and acknowledge His authority, we simply create false religions that allow us to appease our consciences while we continue to live life our own way. But false religions never take us anywhere good. They simply take us farther and farther from God. Ahaz was one of Judah's wicked kings. Can you imagine a king so evil he would sacrifice his own children in the name of his false religion? Yet, instead of repenting when God brought judgment, he turned to other ungodly people for help. And sadly, the people of Judah as a whole became increasingly unfaithful until God in His perfect judgment allowed their destruction. Our nation, too, seems determined to go down the road of increasing unfaithfulness. We shouldn't think that if God judged His own covenant people, He won't judge us as a nation, as well. The question is, will we heed the voice of godly people or continue in our unfaithfulness and false religions.
We all sin every day, but there are some sins that God names as those He hates. One is “hands that shed innocent blood.” With the Supreme Court decision on Roe v. Wade concerning abortion, we have reason to hope that laws can be passed to, at least, limit it. But laws don’t change hearts. There is only one real source of hope. We need to be sure we put our trust there. Also … do you have someone in your life who is difficult? Maybe it’s your boss, your co-worker, your mother-in-law, or a child you dearly love. Whoever it is (and most of us have someone), how do you think about that relationship and how well do you deal with it?
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