“I know what the Bible says, but …” How are you tempted to fill in that blank? It’s an important question because Paul told the Corinthians that we are living epistles. An epistle is a letter. People around us are reading the letter that is our lives. What is the letter of your life saying to others about who God is?
Christians throughout the centuries, have been persecuted, rejected, and martyred for their faith. Why does the world seem to hate us so much? Paul Nyquist in his book Prepare: Living Your Faith in an Increasingly Hostile Culture lists 3 reasons. And while we can’t avoid these truths, there is an important word of caution we need to consider.
We live in a culture that is increasingly hostile to Christ and Christianity. Religious freedom and tolerance have been replaced with intolerance and, even, hatred. Are you prepared for what could very well come in our lifetimes and, indeed, is already happening?
Back during the height of the pandemic, I heard one commentator say that some pastors, actually, want to spread COVID-19 because it furthers their political agenda. We have all heard comments claiming Christians are uncaring about others and their struggles with sexual issues and unwanted pregnancies. Many believers actually work tirelessly to help those who struggle with sin and heartache. But that doesn’t stop God’s enemies from making blanket statements that would have been roundly criticized in times past.
And try defending your faith in a university or high school classroom. Young people are regularly humiliated and even attacked for speaking the truth. Christian teachers and professors are often denied positions in the name of tolerance, a word that has come to mean anything but that.
Or watch your average movie or TV program. I cringe when they make it obvious a character is a minister of some kind. He will probably be made to look foolish, hypocritical, or mean-spirited before it’s over.
Yet, we have probably just begun to experience the hostility and persecution that the Bible tells us will come. So, what can we do to prepare?
Judah had received a “warning shot” meant to wake them up and help them see their need for God and His protection. Instead, many called on their mediums and wizards to tell them what to do.
Could it be that America, too, has had a series of “warning shots”? Have we, instead of turning to God, turned to our own mediums and wizards? What will we, ultimately, do as a nation? Will we repent and turn back to God or will we continue on a path of rebellion against Him?
Isaiah described people who worked at sin. They didn’t fall into it; they pulled it to themselves like a team of horses pulls a load. They did it, despite the conviction of their own consciences and God’s faithfulness to warn and correct them. In so doing, they were pulling God’s judgment down on their own heads. Could Isaiah’s words paint a picture of our nation, as well? You tell me. If so, could we be setting ourselves up for the same judgment?
God through the prophet Isaiah had a lot to say about judgment. And in chapter 3, He spoke directly to the women of Isaiah’s day. He warned them that judgment would come in the areas that were so important to them. What did that mean?
But God didn’t send Isaiah to His people out of meanness. He sent him to warn them so they could repent and turn from evil and going their own way because God cannot be just, holy, and righteous and not judge evil. Something our nation, as a whole, needs to understand.
So, what does all this have to do with tattoos and t-shirts? And what words of encouragement did Isaiah include in his warnings?
“Let your women keep silent in the churches … they are to be submissive …” Not a popular idea in today’s world! The first time many women read that verse, they are confused at the least and sometimes even angry. It seems to go against so much that our culture values. So, is God unfair? Does He favor men?
Also, as we start the book of Isaiah, we will begin looking at God’s warnings to the nation of Israel. He was fed up with their hypocritical religion and warned them of coming judgment. But He also provided a glimpse of the mercy and grace that would follow.
Red hot love? Does God really approve of a red-hot sexual relationship within the context of marriage? Judge for yourself as you read the descriptive and suggestive language the lovers used in the Song of Solomon!
And what about pornography … is there a place for it within marriage or outside of it?
What is biblical love and can it enable us to treat someone in a Christ-like way even when the other person is acting selfishly? How do the principles in God’s Word apply to marriage and every relationship (with parents, children, co-workers, friends, neighbors, extended family, even strangers)?
Also, read about God’s care for all of His creatures, our attitude toward the wicked, and get a link to a FREE printout for your devotional time that can help you assess how you’re doing in the area of biblical love.
God’s desire for us is for holiness. But holiness is more than our outward actions. It’s about what’s going on in our hearts. God repeatedly emphasizes the need for us to allow Him to work in our hearts. In the book of James, He gives us two powerful illustrations about how our thinking, part of what’s going on in our heart or inner man, affects our growth in holiness or conversely allows us to give in to sin.
Also, read about how we’re to respond when an enemy falls and the purpose of spiritual gifts.