God clearly commands us, even as adults, to honor and respect our parents. Yet, most of us grew up in homes with imperfect parents. Some have even endured physical, sexual, or verbal abuse. How do we honor our parents when we believe they have failed us, sometimes miserably?
Are there habits that can rob us of God’s blessings? Could they be things that many of us do without thinking? If so, what are they and what do they look like when they show up in our lives?
Also in today’s post, is it possible for evil and suffering to lead to good? Are there things in our lives that we need to see from an eternal perspective? And others where we must simply trust that God has a plan and purpose when we don’t understand?
And while most of us have favorite teachers and pastors, could some of us be in danger of following men and not God?
Do you truly understand what is meant by the gospel? If you died tonight, do you know that you would go to heaven, or do you have doubts about where you will spend eternity? And what can you do if you’re not sure? These are important questions! Please don’t leave your eternity to chance!
What do believers need to remember as we share the gospel with our friends and family?
When we go through tests and trials, there is often a roller coaster of emotions. But as believers, we don’t have to let our emotions run the show! How can we learn to live by something other than our feelings and emotions?
Doing all the “right things” (as much as is humanly possible) doesn’t guarantee that our children will grow up to serve and love God. After all, God is a perfect parent, and look at what some of His children do. There are three forces at work in our children’s lives. What are they?
Leaving a church can be a hard decision for many of us, especially if we have been there for a long time. And, in fact, we are warned about constantly criticizing, complaining, or being divisive within the church body. But is there a time when we must disagree? If so, how should it be done? And are there times when we should leave a church?
Also, we will look at the question of spanking. Should physical discipline be a part of today’s parenting? And if you spank, what should be your heart attitude when doing so?
Why is believing every word of the Bible so important? Could it be that the gospel and our salvation depend on every word being true?
And as we look at the book of Job, we’ll talk about how God reveals Himself in the beauty of creation, the power of storms and volcanoes, and the intricacies of the human body. Yet, we’ll see that as Job said, all we know and see are “the mere edges of His ways.”
Job also knew some things that scientists didn’t understand until thousands of years later.
Would you be willing to admonish, rebuke or warn a friend who is caught up in a sinful lifestyle even though speaking up when God’s standards are at stake is more costly than ever? When is it right, even necessary, for a believer in Christ to do so?
Also, when it comes to our politics, how should a clear understanding of God’s sovereignty and His commands concerning authority, affect how we speak and respond to events in today’s political climate?
Even if something is not a sin, in and of itself, if we believe it is and do it anyway, it reveals a heart that is willing to sin against God and therefore sinful. That willingness can cause us a great deal of unrest emotionally and spiritually. Could it actually lead to “apparently uncaused fear and anxiety” such as panic attacks that so many people experience today?
Also, read about:
What Job had to say about living right in light of all His suffering.
The only question that will matter when we stand before God.
Why we should sing “a new song” and why we need to be careful with the songs and prayers we love the most.
Authority. Most of us bristle at the thought of someone telling us what to do. Add to that the culture’s attitude toward our perceived rights and feminism’s influence on marriage and you have a cocktail of silent, when not outward, rebellion.
While it’s true that authority has been abused, rejected, and reversed, God is a God of order and He has ordained authority as part of that order. No matter what we think, we are not living obediently before God if we aren’t fully submitted to the authority He has placed in our lives. But human authority is not unlimited.
So, what does submission to authority look like? And what are the limits on authority?
Also, true worship is more than a time of music and singing. True worship involves how we live our lives. Whether we obey God (including our submission to authority) or harden our hearts to His commands are both a demonstration of who we worship … ourselves and our autonomy or God.
As followers of Christ, we are to become living sacrifices. One way we do that is in our relationships with other people. We are to love, prefer, and do good to others even when they don’t do the same. How is that even possible?
Also, read about:
The danger of being lulled into complacency by the comforts and favor of worldly people.
What both Job and the Apostle Paul understood about hardship and perseverance.