Are you inside God’s circle of blessings or have you put yourself on the outside? When we put ourselves outside of God’s circle of blessings, we risk shortening our lives and opening ourselves to God’s discipline.
And what about your children? Are you teaching them how to stay inside that circle of blessings? Today’s post has a simple illustration to help them (and you) understand why it’s so important.
And from our Old Testament reading:
God gave Saul the privilege of being Israel’s first king. He blessed him in many ways including giving him victory in battle, loyal men like the future king David, and a wise son in Jonathan. But Saul is a great example of one man’s failure to stay inside God’s circle of blessings.
Nothing breaks a parent’s heart more than to see our children make foolish choices that can result in consequences for years to come. But there are some things we can do early on so God doesn’t have to allow more serious consequences later. What are some of those things?
When it comes to Christian parenting, I don’t believe there has ever been a time when it has been more challenging to make wise decisions. Goals that parents have had for generations may need to be rethought in light of the educational, professional, social, and business environment today.
In the area of education, I know I find it harder and harder these days to rejoice with friends when they tell me their son or daughter has received a scholarship or been accepted into a secular college or university. And frankly, some so-called Christian colleges are not much better. I’ve seen too many young people wooed away from the truth by worldly, liberal professors with unbiblical and in many cases anti-biblical agendas.
The combination of liberal secular ideologies wrapped in deceptive, yet appealing, packaging and our failure to properly prepare many of our young people for the all-out war for their souls has cost our families and the body of Christ dearly.
So, when it comes to Christian parenting, what do we need to consider?
I counsel many people who struggle because of words that were spoken to them as children. Certainly, God can use that for good as He helps them find their identity in Him, but how sad when our kids must overcome our parenting, and not remember it with gratitude. How about you? Do you spend most of your time criticizing and correcting your children or do you remember to give encouragement, as well? Your kids will be grown before you know it. How will they remember you? Even if they know you love them, do they believe you like them?
Are you playing around with some sinful thought or thinking about something from your past that you shouldn’t? Sin is not something to be played with. In our pride, we think we can handle it and it won’t get a hold on us. But sin has invisible hooks that can drag us down and take us places we never intended to go.
And sin doesn’t just hurt us personally. It always affects others, especially those closest to us. Today we’ll see the effects of polygamy and a lack of parental and priestly discipline. But we’ll also see the faithfulness of God in the life of one godly woman.
It’s hard to imagine that anyone would intentionally set their children up for failure. But sometimes, we can do so without even realizing it by trying to give them everything they want. When we do, instead of being genuinely happy, they often become petulant, spoiled children. The added danger is that they can grow up to be selfish adults and even get a wrong view of God.
How does your parenting help or hinder your children’s understanding of God? How does it prepare them for marriage, work, and family relationships later in life?
When it comes to parenting, few of us are prepared for the hard work and confusion that accompanies the job. We get caught up in the excitement of the first sonogram, getting the nursery ready, and buying all those cute little bibs and blankets. It’s not until we’re sleep-deprived and walking the floor with a crying baby that we start to wonder, am I doing something wrong? But gradually, day by day, we muddle through, making the best parenting decisions we can.
And the challenges don’t go away after those first few months and years. So, it’s important to ask ourselves, what overall views and ideas inform and influence the way we parent? Could a different backstory make our parenting easier and more meaningful?
I talked to a young mom recently about Christian parenting. She is struggling with a strong-willed child and looking for some answers. When I began sharing biblical principles, she told me, it’s a different world today where parenting is concerned. What did she mean? Should parents today ignore parts of the Bible’s instructions on parenting? If not, how can we be obedient to Scripture and, yet, wise in the world in which we live?
God’s Word has so much to say about parenting. In fact, the Bible is full of God’s instructions, encouragement, and truth for His own children. Today we’ll look at 7 ways we can grow and become the parents we want to be and 10 ways we can put God’s principles to work with our children.
We will, also, talk about “Delighting in the Lord” from Psalm 37 and look at Mary, the mother of Jesus. There is so much confusion about her. Does she intercede for believers? Just how should a Christian view her?
Easter and Holy Week are just around the corner. And our world has never needed to understand what Jesus accomplished through His death, burial, and resurrection more than it does now. But sadly, bunnies and Easter baskets often overshadow the immensity of what happened at the Cross two thousand plus years ago.
Helping the next generation understand the basics of the Christian faith, and gain an understanding of sin, redemption, the gospel, and salvation is so important. While I don’t want to make light of the importance of good children and youth ministries, in some cases, children’s church or Sunday school has been reduced to Bible stories, a craft, and a snack. Children make professions of faith without a genuine understanding of their own sinfulness and the power of the gospel to save them.
Then they, too often, graduate into a youth ministry that is more concerned with pizza and entertainment than with growing young people into the image of Christ and preparing them for schools, universities, and the world in general that are all designed to undermine any religious convictions they might have.
But studies have shown that the influence of parents can make a huge difference. So, we must find time to teach our children and help them develop their own faith and devotional habits. Why not take some time with your family to read about the events leading up to that first Easter Sunday? Perhaps today’s post can serve as a starting point.