Congratulations to Michelle! She is the winner of the December “Bible in a Year” Sign Up drawing. She’ll receive a copy of Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life by Donald Whitney.
Congratulations to Michelle! She is the winner of the December “Bible in a Year” Sign Up drawing. She’ll receive a copy of Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life by Donald Whitney.
James compared God's Word to a mirror and anytime we look into the mirror of the Word it can help us see where we need to change and grow. As we meditate on the character of Christ, we can see where we're not like Him. Today's reading has two lists: the fruit of the Spirit and the deeds of the flesh. We may think we know which one describes us, but let's look again.
How can we fight back against false accusations, suffering, and mistreatment? And what about the ordinary, everyday hurts that come to us all? How should we respond to them? Is there a way to fight back that is honoring to God?
Today the battle for truth is raging. Truth itself has become relative and God's Word carries no authority for the majority of people in our nation and much of the Western World. Some Christians find it difficult to work in their chosen fields without compromising their religious convictions. In many arenas, those who speak up for what is morally right are called bigoted, intolerant, or worse. But we need to be careful about putting our hope in the government to change and protect us. While there might be a temporary slowing of the process, I believe in the long run these trends will continue, perhaps faster than we think possible. So, how can we prepare ourselves for the continuing battle?
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